RSNA 2005 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2005


Physics (Computer-aided Detection with Colonography)

Scientific Papers — Gastrointestinal, Health Policy / Management / Informatics, Physics and Basic Sciences,

Presented on November 30, 2005


Ronald M. Summers MD, PhD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Hiroyuki Yoshida PhD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose


R.M.S.: Patents pending and/or awarded; royalty income from Viatronix


SSK17-01     Hybrid Segmentation of Colon Filled with Air and Opacified Fluid for CT Colonography
Ronald Summers MD, PhD | Perry Pickhardt MD | Marek Franaszek PhD | Jong-Ho Choi MD

SSK17-02     Elastic Registration of Prone and Supine CT Datasets for Virtual Colonoscopy
Barry Daly | Carlos Castro-Pareja PhD | Raj Shekhar PhD

SSK17-03     Fold Removal in CT Colonography (CTC): A Physics-based Approach
Christopher Beaulieu MD | David Paik PhD | Sandy Napel PhD | Padmavathi Sundaram | Eftychios Sifakis

SSK17-04     Digital Bowel Cleansing for CT Colonography Based on Hessian-based Structure-Analysis Method
Michael Zalis MD | Hiroyuki Yoshida PhD | Janne Nappi PhD | Wenli Cai PhD | Gordon Harris PhD

SSK17-05     An Observer Performance Study: Computed Tomographic Colonography and Computer-aided Detection as a Second Reader
Ronald Summers MD, PhD | Perry Pickhardt MD | et al | Jong-Ho Choi MD | Maruf Haider | Edward Iuliano DO | Nicholas Petrick PhD | Linda Brown MD

SSK17-06     CAD in Minimal-Preparation CT Colonography: Technical Feasibility
Michael Zalis MD | Hiroyuki Yoshida PhD | Janne Nappi PhD | Wenli Cai PhD

SSK17-07     Improved Electronic Colon Cleansing with Less-Stressful Bowel Preparation for Computer-aided Detection of Polyps in CT Colonography
Jerome Liang PhD | Zigang Wang PhD | Bin Li PhD | Hongbing Lu PhD

SSK17-08     Polyp Enhancement Scheme for Improved Detection of Colonic Polyps in CT Colonography
Christopher Beaulieu MD | Burak Acar PhD | Ender Konukoglu BS | David Paik PhD | Sandy Napel PhD

SSK17-09     False-positive Reduction in Computer-aided Detection of Polyps in CT Colonography Based on Multiple Massive Training Artificial Neural Networks
Samuel Armato PhD | Hiroyuki Yoshida PhD | Kenji Suzuki PhD | Abraham Dachman MD | Janne Nappi PhD

Cite This Abstract

Summers, R, Yoshida, H, Physics (Computer-aided Detection with Colonography).  Radiological Society of North America 2005 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 27 - December 2, 2005 ,Chicago IL.