RSNA 2003 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2003


Radiology Informatics (PACS: Tools II)

Scientific Papers

Presented on December 5, 2003


Keith Dreyer DO, PhD, MODERATOR: Nothing to Disclose
Adam Flanders MD, MODERATOR: Nothing to Disclose


T16-1520     Web-based Viewers as Image Distribution Solutions: Is PACS Already a Dead Concept?
Nogah Haramati MD | Mary McKenna RN, MSN

T16-1521     SimpleDICOM Wrapper/Viewer: A Device to Create DICOM Files from .JPG Images and a Web Viewer to View, Manipulate and Interpret the Images
Steve Uttecht MS | Paul Chang MD

T16-1522     Intelligent Dispatcher: A Device to Pre-Validate DICOM Studies from a Modality before Being Archived to a PACS, to Correct Typographical Mistakes, for Temporary Storage, to Accommodate Legacy Modalities, and to Route Intelligently
Steve Uttecht MS | Paul Chang MD

T16-1523     Utilizing .NET for Secure Image Storage and Distribution Systems
Vince Dovydaitis | John Cadigan

Cite This Abstract

Dreyer DO, PhD, K, Flanders MD, A, Radiology Informatics (PACS: Tools II).  Radiological Society of North America 2003 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 30 - December 5, 2003 ,Chicago IL.