RSNA 2013 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2013


Informatics - Thursday Posters and Exhibits (12:45pm - 1:15pm)

Scientific Informal (Poster) Presentations — Informatics,

Presented on December 5, 2013



LL-INS-TH1B     Decision Support System for Breast Cancer Screening
Selin Carkaci MD | Barbaros Erdal DDS, PhD | Beatriz Adrada MD | Richard White MD

LL-INS-TH2B     Proposal of an IHE Integration Profile for the Electronic Storage of Shared Images within a Community Using DICOM KOS Documents
Minoru Hosoba PhD

LL-INS-TH4B     Challenges in Radiology Reporting for Serial Tumor Assessment Using RECIST
Rony Kampalath MD | Apostolia Tsimberidou MD, PhD | Roland Bassett | David Vining MD

LL-INS-TH5B     Automatic Segmentation of the Thoracic Cage Using Rib and in the Volumetric CT Data 
Jangpyo Bae MS | Namkug Kim PhD | Joon Beom Seo MD, PhD | Sang Min Lee MD

LL-INE3191-THB     Anonymization and Transmission of DICOM between PACS, Local and Remote XNAT Instances
Jenny Gurney MS | Daniel Marcus PhD | Kenneth Clark MBA, MS | Kirk Smith BS | Mikhail Milchenko PhD | James Ransford BS | Matthew House | William Boonn MD | Marc Kohli MD

LL-INE3232-THB     Leveraging "The Wisdom of Crowds" in Collaborative Image Diagnosis
David Piraino MD | Nancy Obuchowski PhD | Daniel Palmer PhD | Michael Wang MD | Jennifer Bullen MSc | Pattanasak Mongkolwat PhD | Richard Wiggins MD

LL-INE3189-THB     3D Deformable Registration of CT Lung Images Based on Point Set and Intensity Information 
Xin Gao PhD | Wei Xia BEng | Lei Wang PhD | Ran Zhang BEng | Zhiyong Zhou | Clifton Fuller MD, PhD | Pranshu Mohindra MD,MBBS | Pattanasak Mongkolwat PhD | Matthew Morgan MD | Charles Thomas MD

LL-INE3187-THB     Perfusion Analysis Software Accuracy Evaluation: A Digital Phantom Based Study
Panagiotis Korfiatis PhD | Leland Hu MD | Zachary Kelm BS | Bradley Erickson MD, PhD | Osman Ratib MD, PhD | Daniel Rubin MD,MS | James Brunberg MD | Hervey Segall MD | Apostolos Tsiouris MD

LL-INE3228-THB     Lung Lobar Segmentation Using an Anatomy-based Priority Knowledge in Low-dose Chest CT: Application to COPD Patients
Sang Joon Park | Jin Mo Goo MD, PhD | Hyun-Ju Lee MD, PhD | Chang Min Park MD, PhD | Chang Hyun Lee MD, PhD | Jung Im Kim MD | Sang Min Lee MD | Scott Leroy Duvall PhD | David Avrin MD, PhD | Douglas Katz MD | John Mayo MD | Steven Primack MD | Jeremy Erasmus MD | Gerald Abbott MD

LL-INE3230-THB     Multi-phase and Multi-planar Liver Segmentation for Living Donor Liver Transplantation in Abdominal Contrast-enhanced CT Images
Helen Hong PhD | Yu Jin Jang BEng | Jin Wook Chung MD | William Boonn MD | Nabile Safdar MD | Amy Hara MD | Alampady Shanbhogue MD

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Informatics - Thursday Posters and Exhibits (12:45pm - 1:15pm) .  Radiological Society of North America 2013 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, December 1 - December 6, 2013 ,Chicago IL.