Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2013
Minoru Hosoba PhD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
In the HIE (Health Information Exchange), shared images imported from other facilities are requested to storage legally if they are used for diagnosis in the local Enterprise according to the MHW guideline in Japan (i.e. Electronic storage). When HIE increases, a number of duplicated images may be stored in every Enterprises. To reduce such risks, only pointing information to shared images should be stored as the Electronic storage. In this paper, use of the DICOM KOS (Key Object Selection document so called “manifest” ) as pointing information is proposed for the Electronic Storage in a standardized way.
DICOM KOS has been applied to the IHE XDS-I integration profile in the image sharing infrastructure. The Electronic storage workflow in local Enterprise for images imported from other facilities can be established with the implementation of XDS-I. KOS has UID information to link SOP instance and facility UID and it is possible to access original images consistently from anywhere. After diagnosis of selected images imported has been done, KOS is recreated from original imported KOS with SOP instance UID of related images and stored with SOP instance status AO(Authorized Original) attribute. KOS SOP instance status attribute is set to AO within the authorization operation for preventing deletion of the file. The facilities whose images are referenced from other Enterprises should keep related images safely according to the Electronic storage requirement of the MHW guideline in the case of outside storage of the facility. Notification about the results of pointing can be performed with KOS conveyed by XDR-I transactions.
This Integration profile can provide infrastructure of combining the fact of diagnosis using imported images from other Enterprise with KOS and realize the effective solution for the Electronic storage of shared images. In case of XDR and PDI, same scenario can be applied if KOS is generated previously and sent with the image.
The proposed integration profile can provide infrastructure of using imported images from other Enterprise and storing their pointing data called KOS for the Electronic storage and realize its effective solution for shared images.
The proposed profile can be applicable to image sharing infrastructure for clinical image diagnosis and storage in a standardized measure.
Hosoba, M,
Proposal of an IHE Integration Profile for the Electronic Storage of Shared Images within a Community Using DICOM KOS Documents. Radiological Society of North America 2013 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, December 1 - December 6, 2013 ,Chicago IL.