Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2013
Scientific Informal (Poster) Presentations — Breast (Imaging and Interventional),
Presented on December 3, 2013
MR Imaging of Breast before and after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: Does Breast Parenchymal Enhancement in the Contralateral Normal Breast Change after Chemotherapy? Akiko Shimauchi MD | Hiroyuki Abe MD | Gillian Newstead MD | Charlene Sennett MD | David Schacht MD | Kirti Kulkarni MD | Federico Pineda BS |
Frequency of Malignancy and Imaging Characteristics of Probably Benign Lesions Seen on Breast MRI Andy Anderson MD | Sujata Ghate MD | Sora Yoon MD | Jay Baker MD |
Using Compression Sonoelastography to Monitor Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy of Breast Cancer Katerina Busko | Andrey Mishchenko MD | Vladislav Semiglazov MD, MMedSc | Tatyana Semiglazova MD | Veronika Klimenko |
Initial Experience with a Breast Computed Tomography Guided Biopsy System (BCT-GBx) for Cone Beam Breast CT (CBBCT) Posy Seifert DO | Renee Morgan RT | Andrea Arieno BS |
Cone Beam Breast Computed Tomography (CBBCT) on Breast Cancer Assessment Lu Yin MD | Zhao Xiang Ye |
Effect of Reduced Radiation Dose on Breast Density Estimation in Digital Mammography: Data from the ACRIN 4006 Trial Jae Choi DPhil | Brad Keller PhD | Emily Conant MD | Andrew Maidment PhD | Despina Kontos PhD |
Breast Cancer Staging: Comparison of Whole-body Hybrid MR/PET and PET/CT Imaging: Initial Experience Onofrio Catalano MD | Carlo Iannace MD | Maria Lepore MD | Alexander Guimaraes MD, PhD | Bruce Rosen MD, PhD | Dushyant Sahani MD | Peter Hahn MD, PhD | Mark Vangel PhD | Emanuele Nicolai | Andrea Soricelli MD | Marco Salvatore MD | Angelo Luongo |
![]() Chia-Ling Chiang MD | Chen-Pin Chou MD | Michael Cohen MD | Reni Butler MD | Joanna Tewfik DO |
LL-BRE1147-TUB |
MRI Appearance of Breast Cancer Treated with Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (NAC): Influence of Receptor Status and Pathologic Residual Cellularity Kirsten Gaarder MD | Kirti Kulkarni MD | Jeffrey Mueller MD | Hiroyuki Abe MD | Charlene Sennett MD | David Schacht MD | Akiko Shimauchi MD | Gillian Newstead MD | Ermelinda Bonaccio MD | Amy Fowler MD,PhD | Maria Helena Mendonca MD | Emily Sedgwick MD |
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