Scientific Informal (Poster) Presentations
Presented on November 29, 2011
Perceived Burden of Screening by Colonoscopy or CT Colonography in the Detection of Advanced Neoplasia: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Jaap Stoker MD, PhD | Margriet de Haan | Patrick Bossuyt PhD | Evelien Dekker MD, PhD | Esther Stoop | Thomas De Wijkerslooth MD
Ultrasound Findings Following Endovascular Stent Deployment in Transplant Liver Hepatic Artery Stenosis
Edward Bluth MD | Neil Lall MD | Charles Sternbergh
Clinical Utility of Whole-Liver CT Perfusion Imaging in the Diagnosis and Treatment Planning of Liver Cirrhosis Complicated by Liver Cancer and Portal Hypertension
Liu Canli | Sun Yong | Zhang Jie | Yan Dong
Model-based Iterative Reconstruction Improves Image Quality of Abdominal CT Compared with Filtered Back Projection and Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction
Izuru Matsuda MD | Kuni Ohtomo MD | Akira Kunimatsu MD | Kosuke Sasaki MS | Masaki Katsura MD | Koji Segawa RT | Jiro Sato MD | Masaaki Akahane MD | Sachiko Inano
Low Tube Voltage Technique CT with Iterative Reconstruction Increases Vascular Enhancement and Reduces Both Radiation Dose and the Amount of Iodine Contrast Agent in the Liver Dynamic Study
Masahiro Okada MD | Takamichi Murakami MD, PhD | Tomoko Hyodo MD | Yuki Kagawa MD | Masayuki Kudo PhD,RT | Hiroto Takahashi
Predicting the Response of Pancreatic Cancer to Combined Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy by Whole Pancreatic Perfusion Computed Tomography
Masafumi Uchida MD, PhD | Shunji Arikawa MD | Yukiko Kunou | Naofumi Hayabuchi MD, PhD | Hayato Kaida | Yoshinobu Okabe | Makiko Yasumoto | Jun Sakoda | Masaharu Shinagawa MD
Comparison of Model-based Iterative Reconstruction (MBIR), Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction (ASiR), and Filtered Back Projection (FBP): Evaluation of Radiation Dose and Image Quality at Abdominal CT with an Anthropomorphic Phantom
Noriyuki Tomiyama MD, PhD | Masayuki Kudo PhD,RT | Tonsok Kim MD | Masatoshi Hori MD | Hiromitsu Onishi MD | Atsushi Nakamoto MD | Takahiro Tsuboyama MD | Makoto Sakane | Mitsuaki Tatsumi MD, PhD
Image Quality and Radiation in CT of the Pancreas: Comparison of 320-MDCT with and without Adaptive Iterative Dose Reduction and 64-MDCT
Haruo Watanabe MD | Satoshi Goshima MD, PhD | Mariko Yoshida | Hiroshi Kawada MD | Hiroshi Kondo MD | Masayuki Kanematsu MD | Kyongtae Bae MD, PhD | Hironori Nishibori MD | Yusuke Tsuge MD | Daisuke Miyazawa RT
Evaluation of Angiogenesis after Antiangiogenic Therapy Using Liver CT Perfusion: Additional Detailed Capillary-level Hemodynamics in Patients with Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Masahiro Okada MD | Masatoshi Kudo | Takamichi Murakami MD, PhD | Norihisa Yada | Masayuki Kudo PhD,RT | Kazuomi Ueshima
Diagnostic Efficacy of Gadoxetic Acid-enhanced MR Imaging in the Detection of Hepatic Metastasis from Colorectal Carcinoma: Comparison with Contrast-enhanced CT
Kazuro Sugimura MD, PhD | Hajime Kitagaki MD | Yoko Hieda MD, PhD | Masakatsu Tsurusaki MD, PhD | Yasuaki Arai MD | Takashi Katsube | Keitaro Sofue
Non-Helical, Volumetric Dual-Energy CT Imaging with Area-Detector CT Scanner for Evaluating Hypervascular Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Utaroh Motosugi MD | Tomoaki Ichikawa MD, PhD | Tsutomu Araki MD | Katsuhiro Sano MD | Hironobu Sou MD | Hiroyuki Morisaka
Band Volume Adjustment under Radiological and Clinical Control Following Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding (LAGB)
Pietro Biondetti MD | Massimo Zilocchi MD | Alessandra Dorigo | Daniele Meregaglia | Ezio Lattuada | Enrico Mozzi | Marco Zappa | Giancarlo Roviaro
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Complicated by Gastroduodenal Obstruction: Palliative Treatment with Metallic Stent Placement
Jin Hyoung Kim MD | Ho-Young Song MD | Pyeong Hwa Kim | Kichang Han | Young Jun Kim | Ye Jin Lee | Han Kyu Na
Differentiation of Hepatic Adenoma vs Focal Nodular Hyperplasia on Delayed Hepatobiliary Imaging with Gadoxetic Acid
Scott Reeder MD, PhD | Jessica Robbins MD | Kiyarash Mohajer MD | Alex Frydrychowicz MD | Agnes Loeffler | Thomas Reed MD
Value of Noncontrast Sequences in Magnetic Resonance Angiography of Hepatic Arterial Vasculature
Vivek Kalra MD | Daniel Cornfeld MD | Saravanan Krishnamoorthy MD | John Gilbert BS
Localization of Primary Colonic Tumors: A Comparison of CT and Colonoscopy
Tracy Jaffe MD | Matthew Davenport MD | Amy Neville MD | Sebastian Feuerlein MD | Chad Miller MD | Lars Grimm MD | Kelan Brown MD | Clare Haystead MD
Does Diffusion-weighted Imaging Help in the Differentiation of Mass-like Chronic Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Cancer?
Kumaresan Sandrasegaran MD | Temel Tirkes MD | Mark Tann MD | Bilal Tahir MD | Thomas Howard | Kavitha Nuttaki MD
Characterization of Pancreatic Serous Cystadenoma on Dual-phase Multidetector CT
Elliot Fishman MD | Linda Chu MD | Ralph Hruban | Aatur Singhi MD,PHD
Assessment of the Diagnostic Performance of Radiologists and Radiographers in the Interpretation of CT Colonography
Philippe Lefere MD | Carsten Lauridsen MS, BS | Oke Gerke MS
False-Positive Reduction in Computer-aided Detection (CADe) of Polyps in CT Colonography (CTC) with Manifold Learning
Jianwu Xu PhD | Kenji Suzuki PhD
Aslam, R,
Gastrointestinal. Radiological Society of North America 2011 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 26 - December 2, 2011 ,Chicago IL.