Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2011
Scientific Informal (Poster) Presentations
Presented on November 27, 2011
Anterior Mediastinal Solid Tumors: Characterization Using Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MRI, Diffusion-weighted MRI and FDG-PET/CT Masamitsu Hatakenaka MD, PhD | Yoshio Matsuo | Takeshi Kamitani MD | Hiroshi Honda MD | Masato Yonezawa | Shunya Sunami MD | Mikako Jinnouchi MD | Hidetake Yabuuchi MD |
Perfusion with 64-Rows Computed Tomography of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): A Reproducibility Study Lorenzo Bonomo MD | Annemilia Del Ciello | Anna Rita Larici MD | Michele Amato MD | Lucio Calandriello | Pierluigi Granone |
Dual-Energy CT in Patients Treated with Anti-Angiogenic Agent for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A New Method of Monitoring Treatment? Joon Beom Seo MD, PhD | Myung Jin Chung MD | Chin A Yi MD, PhD | Kyung Lee MD, PhD | Ho Yun Lee MD | Tae Sung Kim MD | Yoo Na Kim | Myung-Ju Ahn | Keunchil Park |
Left Atrial Volume in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Can CT Help Recognize a Link between the Extent of Emphysema and Reduced Pulmonary Venous Return? Martine Remy-Jardin MD, PhD | Lucie Cassagnes MD | Emanuela Algeri MD | Jacques Remy MD | Jean-Baptiste Faivre | Teresa Santangelo MD |
Searching in Three Dimensions: How Do Radiologists Move Their Eyes When Viewing Chest CTs? Francine Jacobson MD, MPH | Jeremy Wolfe PhD | Trafton Drew PhD | Melissa Vo PhD | Steven Seltzer MD |
A Novel Method of Processing Dual-Energy CT Images for Improved Visualization of Lung Nodules Jacob Sosna MD | Issac Leichter PhD | Richard Lederman MD | Eli Ben-Shimol BSc | Itai Kadosh BSc | Naama Bogot MD |
Estimating the Minimum Detectable Change of Lung Lesions Using Patient Datasets Acquired under a “No Change” Condition Lawrence Schwartz MD | Nicholas Petrick PhD | Michael McNitt-Gray PhD | Hyun Kim PhD | Charles Fenimore PhD | John Lu PhD | David Clunie MBBS | Binsheng Zhao DSc | Kristin Borradaile MS | Kevin Byrne MD | S Kaplan | Julie Barudin MD | J Sherman | K Slazak | Andrew Buckler MS |
Diffusion Coefficients in Pulmonary Lesions: Evaluation with Intravoxel Incoherent Motion by Echo-planar MR Imaging Hisanobu Koyama MD | Hans-Ulrich Kauczor MD | Michael Puderbach MD | Claus Heussel MD | Bram Stieltjes MD | Christian Hintze MD | Juergen Biederer MD | Julien Dinkel MD | Monika Eichinger MD |
Radiofrequency Ablation of Primary and Secondary Lung Malignancies Using 17-Gauge Needles Jean-Pierre Pelage MD, PhD | Stephen Binsse | Alexis Lacout MD | Olivier Limot MD | Penelop Labauge | Emmanuel Mitry |
Volumetric Analysis of Lung Nodules in Computed Tomography (CT): Comparison of Two Different Segmentation Algorithm Softwares and Two Different Reconstruction Filters on Automated Volume Calculation Andreas Christe | Alain Brönnimann | Peter Vock MD |
Development and Validation of a Diagnostic Model for Airflow Limitation in Heavy Smokers by Using Quantitative Computed Tomography Onno Mets MD | C. F. Buckens MD | Pieter Zanen MD, PhD | Ivana Isgum PhD | Mathias Prokop MD, PhD | Pim De Jong MD, PhD |
Integral-based Half-Band Fitting Method in Measuring Airway Wall Thickness on CT: Comparison with Conventional Full-Width Half Maximum Method Using Actual and Simulated Phantoms Namkug Kim PhD | Joon Beom Seo MD, PhD | Jeongjin Lee | Sujin Park | Youn Joo Lee MS | Taekjin Jang |
Dose Reduction, Image Quality, and Diagnostic Acceptance in CT: Use of an Automatic Dose Control System with Adequate Noise Characteristic Thomas Kahn MD | Patrick Stumpp MD, PhD | Dieter Gosch PhD | Hans-Dieter Nagel |
Pitfalls in the Use of Automatic Dose Control Systems in CT and Their Impact on Image Quality and Radiation Dose Thomas Kahn MD | Patrick Stumpp MD, PhD | Dieter Gosch PhD | Matthias Gawlitza MD | Hans Dieter Nagel |
Cardiac Ventricular Measurements on Non-ECG-gated Thoracic CT: Are They Reliable? Ioannis Vlahos MBBS | Arjun Nair MBCHB, FRCR | Anand Devaraj MBBS | Amy Davis MBBS, MRCP | Anisha Patel MBCHB |
Sinogram-affirmed Iterative Reconstruction for Improving Image Quality of Low Radiation Dose Chest CT Christoph Karlo MD | Thomas Frauenfelder MD | Hatem Alkadhi MD | Robert Goetti | Anna Winklehner | Stephan Baumueller | Markus Manz | Erich Russi |
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