RSNA 2010 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2010


Integration of Imaging Signs into RadLex

Scientific Informal (Poster) Presentations

Presented on December 2, 2010
Presented as part of LL-INS-TH: Informatics

 Trainee Research Prize - Medical Student


Matthew W. Shore BS , Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Charles E. Kahn MD, MS, Abstract Co-Author: Shareholder, Hotlight Inc Officer, Hotlight Inc
Daniel L. Rubin MD, Abstract Co-Author: Research grant, General Electric Company


Although a small subset of the larger domain of radiological terms, imaging signs are of obvious significance to the study of radiology. More than 350 imaging signs -- with their names, synonyms, definitions, and related concepts -- provide an important contribution to RadLex. The integration into the RadLex vocabulary of these terms will have both academic and clinical implications.  


RadLex is a standardized vocabulary of radiological terms. To augment its terms for anatomy, diagnoses, and radiological observations, we sought to integrate a set of imaging signs.  


We identified a variety of sources of imaging signs, including Mulligan's Classic Radiologic Signs: An Atlas and History, Gentili's online "Atlas of Signs in Musculoskeletal Radiology," and articles in the journals RadioGraphics and Radiology (including the "Signs in Imaging" series). Within RadLex, the imaging signs were defined as subclasses of term "imaging sign." For each imaging sign, we included a canonical name, alternate names, and a concise definition. We also identified RadLex terms to link the imaging signs to relevant anatomy, diseases, and imaging modalities. For example, the imaging sign "bamboo spine" included links to the terms for spine, ankylosing spondylitis, and radiography.  


An initial list of more than 350 imaging signs has been added to the RadLex vocabulary. Many imaging signs have names derived from reference to nonmedical concepts (e.g., "bamboo spine", "lemon sign") or eponyms (e.g., "Rigler sign"). The incorporation of imaging signs into RadLex adds to the ontology as a knowledge source, and will allow students and practitioners of radiology to efficiently retrieve information.  

Cite This Abstract

Shore, M, Kahn, C, Rubin, D, Integration of Imaging Signs into RadLex.  Radiological Society of North America 2010 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 28 - December 3, 2010 ,Chicago IL.