RSNA 2014 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2014


Radiation Cataractogenesis in Interventional Radiology: A Review for the Interventional Physician

Education Exhibits

Presented on December 2, 2014
Presented as part of VIS-TUB: Vascular/Interventional Tuesday Poster Discussions

 Cum Laude


Kevin Frederick Seals MD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Ramsey al-Hakim MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Christopher H. Cagnon PhD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Stephen Thomas Kee MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Edward Wolfgang Lee MD, PhD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose


The purpose of this exhibit is: To provide a comprehensive overview of radiation cataractogenesis in interventional radiology To review the operator lens doses seen in common IR procedures and the data linking cataract development with interventional work To describe optimal lens protection for the IR physician and strengths and weaknesses of each protection technique


Background ICRP threshold guidelines, data motivating the 2011 threshold change [Figure 1] Mechanistic basis of radiation cataract, including the role of radiation genotoxicity Assessment of the stochastic versus deterministic nature of radiation cataractogenesis [Figure 2] Data linking radiation exposure and cataract development in interventional physicians [Figure 3] Multiple studies showing a statistically significant increase in cataract risk in interventionists Factors modulating this risk Lens dose in common IR procedures [Figure 4] Physician lens dose in TIPS, CT guided biopsy and drainage, vertebroplasty, chemoembolization, neurointerventional techniques, etc. Critical analysis of lens protection strategies [Figure 5] Leaded eyeglasses Ceiling-suspended shields Complex commercial shielding devices Real-time dosimetry Radiation education


Cite This Abstract

Seals, K, al-Hakim, R, Cagnon, C, Kee, S, Lee, E, Radiation Cataractogenesis in Interventional Radiology: A Review for the Interventional Physician.  Radiological Society of North America 2014 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, - ,Chicago IL.