RSNA 2013 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2013


ISP: Informatics (Results and Reporting)

Scientific Formal (Paper) Presentations — Informatics,

Presented on December 5, 2013


Scott Leroy Duvall PhD, Moderator: Research Grant, Anolinx LLC Research Grant, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd Research Grant, Amgen Inc Research Grant, Shire plc Research Grant, Mylan Inc Research Grant, Merck & Co, Inc
Gary H. Danton MD, PhD, Moderator: Nothing to Disclose


SSQ11-01     Informatics Keynote Speaker: The Role of Natural Language Processing in Reporting
Scott Leroy Duvall PhD

SSQ11-02     Conforming to Best Practice Standards: Development of a Software System to Provide Radiologists with Point-of-Care Decision Support for Recommendations
H. Harvey MD, JD | Tarik Alkasab MD, PhD | Daniel Rosenthal MD | David Rosman MD | Keith Dreyer DO, PhD | Giles Boland MD

SSQ11-03     Development of the ViSion Ontology for Structured Reporting
David Vining MD | Usama Salem MBBCh, MSC | Cihan Duran MD | Cristian Popovici | Andreea Pitici | Liming Jiang MD | Chengqian Xuanzi MD

SSQ11-04     Structured Radiology Reports Are More Complete and More Effective than Unstructured Reports
Peter Marcovici MD | Catherine Stamoulis PhD | George Taylor MD | Stephan Voss MD, PhD

SSQ11-05     Automatic Integration of Joint Commission-required Critical Results Auditing into Institutional Peer Review Using a Software Tool
H. Harvey MD, JD | Tarik Alkasab MD, PhD | G. Scott Gazelle MD, PhD | Gloria Salazar MD | Daniel Rosenthal MD

SSQ11-06     Application of ViSion Structured Reporting for C-RADS Reporting of CT Colonography Examinations
David Vining MD | Thomas Yang MD | Usama Salem MBBCh, MSC | Andreea Pitici | Cristian Popovici | Adrian Prisacariu | Iulian Aghenitei | Mihai Jurca | Radu Rosu

SSQ11-07     Measuring How Perceived Meanings of Uncertainty Cues Differs with and without Sentence-level Context in Radiology Reports
Brian Chapman PhD | James Chen MD | Asako Miyakoshi MD | Wendy Chapman PhD | Amilcare Gentili MD

SSQ11-08     Rapid Creation of a Structured and Itemized Radiology Report from a Brief and Disorganized Dictation
John Stewart MD

SSQ11-09     Radiologic Measurement Dictation and Transcription Error Rates in RECIST (Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors) Clinical Trials: A Limitation of the Radiology Narrative Report to Accurately Communicate Quantitative Data
Paul Chang MD | Merlijn Sevenster PhD | Jeffrey Bozeman BA | Joost Peters | Manish Sharma MD | Adam Travis MD | Will Trost BA | Lauren Wall MS | Andrea Cowhy BS

Cite This Abstract

Duvall, S, Danton, G, ISP: Informatics (Results and Reporting).  Radiological Society of North America 2013 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, December 1 - December 6, 2013 ,Chicago IL.