RSNA 2013 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2013


Using the Scored Quiz Feature of MIRC TFS to Run a Departmental Case of the Week Contest

Education Exhibits

Presented on December 2, 2013
Presented as part of LL-INS-MOB: Informatics - Monday Posters and Exhibits (12:45pm - 1:15pm)


Tessa S. Cook MD, PhD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
John Perry, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose


Case of the day (or week) contests are popular among residency programs and radiology depoartments to foster friendly competition while still promoting individual or collaborative learning. Our case of the week (CoW) implementation has evolved over the past few years to its current implementation using the RSNA MIRC Teaching File System (TFS).


The original CoW consisted of images posted within a Microsoft SharePoint site, with a link to a web form that collected submitted diagnoses and emailed them to the CoW manager. Subsequently, it was revised to be a self-contained, database-driven website into which images and content were loaded and updated on a weekly basis. Using TFS along with the new scored quiz feature, we can send images directly from PACS via the patient-centric workflow to be incorporated into a new case. The scored quiz enables the addition of a text box to a case so that TFS users can log in, view the case and submit their favored diagnosis. The case owner can score the submitted entries and track users' scores during the contest using the administrative features of TFS.


By implementing our CoW within TFS, we can preserve the content posted from week to week for users to access for independent learning. In addition, the process of creating a new CoW each week has been streamlined yet again, as all the functionality of the TFS can now be brought to bear on content creation and management. In addition to running case contests, the scored quiz can be used to create assessment modules (such as to track ACGME milestones), interactive conference presentations (to prepare residents for the Exam of the Future) and even to educate medical students and non-radiology residents.


MIRC TFS can be used to successfully maintain a case of the week application for a radiology program, without requiring the administrator to be technically savvy or manually program the system. This latest iteration of the CoW-now using the MIRC TFS-is the most robust to date, with the added advantage of persistent case content from week to week. Scored quizzes in MIRC TFS have a number of potential applications which can be used to enhance radiology resident and fellow education.

Cite This Abstract

Cook, T, Perry, J, Using the Scored Quiz Feature of MIRC TFS to Run a Departmental Case of the Week Contest.  Radiological Society of North America 2013 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, December 1 - December 6, 2013 ,Chicago IL.