RSNA 2013 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2013


“Single Ventricle” Demystified – A Radiologist Perspective

Education Exhibits

Presented on December 3, 2013
Presented as part of CL-PDS-TUB: Pediatric Radiology - Tuesday Posters and Exhibits (12:45 - 1:15PM)

 Cum Laude


Kianoush Ansari Gilani MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Ravi Ashwath MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Prabhakar Rajiah MD, FRCR, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose


“Single ventricle” refers to a heterogeneous group of congenital cardiac malformations that is characterized by both the atria related to a functionally single ventricle. The purpose of this exhibit is  1. To understand the various entities that constitute single ventricle. 2. To understand the various surgical options and timings for single ventricle. 3. To illustrate the MR imaging appearances of several types of single ventricle. 4. To describe the key MRI findings which are vital in influencing management.  


1. Nomenclature 2. Cardiac MRI protocols  3. Sample cases: True single ventricle, Hypoplastic left heart, Double inlet LV/ RV, Mitral/tricuspid atresia,  AV canal defect, Heterotaxy 4. Review & illustration of key factors in anatomic characterization- Atrial situs; Ventricular situs; Great artery relationship, Atrioventricular relationship; AV connection (single, double, or common); AV morphology (straddling/overriding); morphologic LV vs RV; Rudimentary vs functioning ventricles 6. Imaging goals -anatomy, ventricular size, valve function, flow 7. Rationale and role of imaging data in management  


Evaluation of functional single ventricle by MRI requires a thorough understanding of the anatomy and hemodynamics. The purpose of MRI is to delineate the anatomy, physiology and function and to aid in management.  

Cite This Abstract

Ansari Gilani, K, Ashwath, R, Rajiah, P, “Single Ventricle” Demystified – A Radiologist Perspective.  Radiological Society of North America 2013 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, December 1 - December 6, 2013 ,Chicago IL.