RSNA 2012 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2012


iPad2 in Radiology Resident Education

Scientific Informal (Poster) Presentations

Presented on November 26, 2012
Presented as part of LL-INS-MO: Informatics Lunch Hour CME Posters  


Aiham Korbage MD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Harprit Singh Bedi MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose


We assess the impact of iPad ownership on radiology resident education in terms of study habits, and use of electronic and printed resources for learning and data reference in radiology.  


We conducted a longitudinal survey study among all 21 radiology residents at our institution before and then 6 months after providing an iPad2 to each resident. The first survey was conducted in July 2011 before introduction of the iPad. The second survey was conducted in January 2012. The on-line survey was accessed through a web-based commercial site ( The study and survey were approved by the IRB. Responses were anonymous. 


There was a statistically significant impact on the materials residents use for their overall study of radiology. The use of printed books and journals decreased from 76% to 24% six months after iPad ownership, whereas use of electronic resources increased from 24% to 76%. As for data referencing in radiology, the use of electronic resources increased from 71% to 95%. Six months after the introduction of the iPad, only 5% used printed books for data referencing. Of note, digital books became the number one resource brought to work for radiologic educational use (80% brought digital books to work, vs. 45% who brought printed books). Also, there was a statistically significant increase in the amount of time residents spend studying/learning radiology from online/electronic resources. In fact, 67% of our residents said they now spend more time studying radiology than they did prior to iPad ownership. In addition, an overwhelming majority of residents (91%) believe owning an iPad has improved their residency experience. 


Integration of iPad2 into our program has had a significant effect on our radiology resident education. After 6 months from providing the iPad, a significant increase in the use of digital books, references and other online resources was observed. In addition, an overwhelming majority of residents (91%) believe owning an iPad has improved their residency experience.


This gives insight for integration of tablet technology in the education and practice of radiology departments and suggests the use of tablets in enhancing radiology residency educational experience.

Cite This Abstract

Korbage, A, Bedi, H, iPad2 in Radiology Resident Education.  Radiological Society of North America 2012 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 25 - November 30, 2012 ,Chicago IL.