RSNA 2012 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2012


An Interactive Quiz Based on an Ontology of Radiology Gamuts

Education Exhibits

Presented on November 26, 2012
Presented as part of LL-INE-MO: Informatics Lunch Hour CME Exhibits


Charles E. Kahn MD, MS, Presenter: Shareholder, Hotlight Inc Officer, Hotlight Inc
Joseph J. Budovec MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Cesar Augusto Lam MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Stephen W. Goth BS, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose


As part of an open, Semantic Web-based knowledge resource for the radiology community, we developed a database of differential-diagnosis listings ("gamuts") in the domain of gastrointestinal radiology.  We sought to apply that knowledge to create an interactive environment to review differential diagnoses.


The Gamut Quiz is an easy-to-use educational tool whose content is generated automatically from a radiology gamuts database.


The Gamut Quiz offers a simple, database-driven model for generating educational materials from a collection of differential-diagnosis listings. This technology allows one to generate an extremely large number of multiple-choice questions automatically from a radiology knowledge resource. As the database grows more robust with additional semantic information about various concepts, we expect to be able to use that information to make the questions more challenging. Although the underlying database currently is limited to the domain of gastrointestinal radiology, the software will accommodate a database of any size and covering multiple domains.


The "Gamut Quiz" provides an interactive, web-based environment for reviewing radiologic differential diagnosis. The database contains more than 3,400 entities that represent diseases, pathophysiologic processes, and imaging findings. These entities are linked by more than 7,000 relationships that express causality (e.g., “Scleroderma causes Achalasia”), subsumption (e.g., “Scleroderma is a Connective tissue disease”), and synonymy (e.g., “Scleroderma has synonym PSS”). For the stem of the multiple-choice question, the quiz software selects at random from the database an item that is caused by at least five entities. The software then displays three entities that cause the specified finding and one entity that does not cause that finding, but causes a related entity. The user must select the one item that does not cause the specified imaging finding. The user receives immediate feedback to indicate if his or her choice was correct; if incorrect, the user has the opportunity to select another option. Once the user has chosen an option, he or she has an option to view the full gamut listing.

Cite This Abstract

Kahn, C, Budovec, J, Lam, C, Goth, S, An Interactive Quiz Based on an Ontology of Radiology Gamuts.  Radiological Society of North America 2012 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 25 - November 30, 2012 ,Chicago IL.