RSNA 2011 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2011


Neuroradiology (Advanced Imaging)

Scientific Formal (Paper) Presentations — Neuroradiology, Magnetic Resonance Imaging,

Presented on November 27, 2011


Aaron Scott Field MD, PhD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Pratik Mukherjee MD, PhD, Presenter: Research grant, Merck KgaA


SSA15-01     Visual Data Integration for Imaging-based Planning in Human Craniofacial Transplantation
Vijay Gorantla MD, PhD | Joseph Losee MD | Darren Smith MD

SSA15-02     Assessment of Thalamic Injury Using Structural and Functional MRI in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Michael Im MD | Yongxia Zhou PhD, MSc | Yulin Ge MD | Zhongwei Zhang MD | Joseph Reaume BS | Robert Grossman MD

SSA15-03     Clinical Utility of fMRI in Surgical Planning for Patients with Intracranial Tumors
Aaron Field MD, PhD | Alejandro Munoz Del Rio PhD | Jed Voss | Veena Nair MS | Thomas Gallagher MD | Siarhei Vysotski | Vivek Prabhakaran MD, PhD | Chad Moritz RT | Amy Utter BS, MS | M. Elizabeth Meyerand PhD | John Kuo MD, PhD | Casey Madura MD | Ryan Holdsworth MD | Joel Wood | Bornali Kundu

SSA15-04     Development of a New Compact Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging System: New Concept in Radiofrequency Shield and Initial Clinical Experience
Yoshio Imai | Akio Morita MD, PhD | Toshikazu Kimura MD | Tetsuro Sameshima MD, PhD | Toru Machida MD | Weimin Wang PhD | Toshiki Oguro PhD

SSA15-05     fMRI in Resting State as a Radiological Tool in Pharmaceutic Research: An Experimental Clinical Trial with Alprazolam
Riccardo Manfredi MD | Roberto Pozzi Mucelli | Marco Barillari MD | Roberto Cerini MD | Federica Spagnolli | Nicolò Cardobi | Cristina Costantin | Stefano Milleri | Valentina Lotto | Carlo Cacciatori

SSA15-06     White Matter Short Bundles in Central Area from Diffusion Tensor MRI Study
Jean-Christophe Gentric | Elsa Magro | Tristan Moreau | Xavier Morandi | Romuald Seizeur | Bernard Gibaud

SSA15-07     High-Resolution Diffusion-tensor Imaging: In Vivo Assessment of Intracortical Myelinated Fibers in the Medial Temporal Lobe
Koji Yamashita MD | Hiroshi Honda MD | Akio Hiwatashi MD | Takashi Yoshiura MD, PhD | Hironori Kamano MD | Satoshi Suzuki MD, PhD

SSA15-08     A Template of the Micro-Architecture of the Human Brain
Shengwei Zhang BEng | Konstantinos Arfanakis PhD | Anna Varentsova BS

SSA15-09     Does Susceptibility-weighted Imaging at 7 T Show Microstructural Changes in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury?
Petra Schmalbrock PhD | Katharine Bluestein BS, MS | Michael Knopp MD, PhD | Sharon Schreiber BS | Seongjin Choi PhD | Amir Abduljalil

Cite This Abstract

Field, A, Mukherjee, P, Neuroradiology (Advanced Imaging).  Radiological Society of North America 2011 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 26 - December 2, 2011 ,Chicago IL.