RSNA 2011 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2011


Accuracy and Reproducibility of Volume Measurements by 3D Ultrasound: A Prospective Study Performed by Novices

Scientific Informal (Poster) Presentations

Presented on December 1, 2011
Presented as part of LL-INS-TH: Informatics


Tho Quynh Nguyen, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Melanie Rae Flores DO, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Soyoung Lee MS,MSc, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Melchor Ortiz PhD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Sanja Kupesic MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Zuber Mulla PhD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy and reproducibility of volume measurement using Virtual Organ Computer-Aided Analysis (VOCAL) and two-dimensional (2D) method by novices.


Three groups of participants were recruited to participate in this prospective study: 30 medical students, 15 sonographers, and 3 experts in three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound. Each measured the same three structures (liver, gestational sac, and breast cancer lesion) three times for distances and volumes. Three values for VOCAL volumes and three values for the 2D volumes were generated with each structure by one participant. Accuracy was calculated as the percentage of measurements that were within 15% of the experts’ result. Inter- and intra-observer variation, representing reproducibility, were determined by calculating the standard deviations and mean square errors of the measurements within each group and each testing structure.  


3D method produced more accurate measurements with lower inter-observer variation than 2D method within each participating group. However, 3D method did not improve intra-observer variation. With VOCAL, students generated more accurate and reliable measurements of liver and gestational sac but the sonographers were more accurate in measuring the breast lesion volume.  


Volume measurements by novices using VOCAL are more accurate and have higher inter-observer reproducibility than using 2D method. Complete novices are capable of performing VOCAL in simple structures.


The use of novices with 3D ultrasound may prove to be cost-effective and time saving, with no compromise of quality in certain practices.

Cite This Abstract

Nguyen, T, Flores, M, Lee, S, Ortiz, M, Kupesic, S, Mulla, Z, Accuracy and Reproducibility of Volume Measurements by 3D Ultrasound: A Prospective Study Performed by Novices.  Radiological Society of North America 2011 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 26 - December 2, 2011 ,Chicago IL.