RSNA 2011 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2011


Bridging the Gap: Using iPad for Instant Transfer of Images from ICU to Intensivists and Radiologists

Scientific Formal (Paper) Presentations

Presented on November 29, 2011
Presented as part of MSVR31: Radiology Informatics Series: Mobile Computing Devices


Supriya Gupta MBBS, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Sean Doyle, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
William J. Sehnert, Abstract Co-Author: Employee, Carestream Health, Inc
James B. Burns, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Thomas J. Schultz BS, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Keith J. Dreyer DO, PhD, Abstract Co-Author: Medical Advisor, General Electric Company Medical Advisor, Siemens AG Medical Advisor, Nuance Communications, Inc Medical Advisor, Carestream Health, Inc Medical Advisor, Vital Images, Inc Medical Advisor, Amirsys, Inc Medical Advisor, Life Image Inc Medical Advisor, McKesson Corporation Medical Advisor, Merge Healthcare


RadStream application provides physicians with ability to immediately view images and make diagnoses without having to be back at the workstation or wait for film to make a clinical decision. This emphasizes the use of the device in ICU settings where complications need to be addressed urgently or evidence-based decisions are imperative.


iPad's potential extends well beyond image visualization due to its high-image resolution and wireless connectivity. The development of an iPad-based application, RadStream, attempts to enhance connectivity by providing a platform for instant transfer of patient images at the point of care to the physician’s mobile application to detect immediate complications or altering patient management.


Time taken to transfer images from ICU to RadStream, speed of image transfer and download, time of interpretation on the device as compared to PACS workstation and accuracy of interpretation were evaluated. Physicians can use patient’s medical record number or image accession number to retrieve images from internal PACS servers. The software has capacity to alter window level and width of image, tools to annotate and magnify the region of interest and ability to easily browse through the series. Preset window levels to maximize diagnostic ability are also available from PACS workstation. Access is secured by login information and images cannot be stored on device to maintain patient privacy.


RadStream is a server-based HIPAA-compliant application designed to retrieve images from local database to enable image viewing on iPad. It reads from two internal servers over HTTP– JPEG 2000 images from AMICAS and Part 10 DICOM files from ClearCanvas’s WADO interface. Radiology images from ICU, hospital or physician’s office are sent to the appropriate server and can be retrieved on demand by RadStream. Instant transfer of patient images from ICU to intensivist’s device minimizes delay in detecting complications after emergency procedures like chest tube placement to rule out pneumothorax or hemorrhage. This emphasizes the potential use of iPad as an aid for improving image workflow in hospital settings thereby enhancing utilization of imaging resources.

Cite This Abstract

Gupta, S, Doyle, S, Sehnert, W, Burns, J, Schultz, T, Dreyer, K, Bridging the Gap: Using iPad for Instant Transfer of Images from ICU to Intensivists and Radiologists.  Radiological Society of North America 2011 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 26 - December 2, 2011 ,Chicago IL.