RSNA 2011 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2011


New Paradigm for Universal Image and Patient Information Sharing via a Cloud-based, Secure, Efficient, and Cost-effective System

Scientific Formal (Paper) Presentations

Presented on November 29, 2011
Presented as part of SSJ12: Informatics (New Technologies)


Mark Daniel Kovacs MD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Florent Saint-Clair, Abstract Co-Author: Director, DR Systems, Inc. General Manager, DR Systems, Inc.
Michael A. Trambert MD, Abstract Co-Author: Medical Advisor, DR Systems, Inc


Fragmented and inefficient exchange of patient data is a multi-billion dollar problem which leads to duplicate imaging studies and excess radiation exposure. Traditional methods of information exchange reveal many limitations, contributing to the problem. The alternative is a cloud-based, platform-independent system for sharing imaging and other patient data via the Internet. This system allows instantaneous, secure, efficient and cost-effective sharing of patient data between providers and enterprises with different IT infrastructures, vendor independent.


Lack of access to patient data between healthcare providers is very costly and fragments healthcare, resulting in unnecessary imaging studies performed, adding to costs, and exposing patients to excess radiation. Traditional methods of information exchange including fax, CDs, and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), while very useful over the last 20 years, have many limitations. The alternative is a cloud-based system, which allows for internet-based efficient and cost-effective sharing of patient data between healthcare providers with differing information technology (IT) infrastructures.


Historically, duplicate exams occur 10-20% of the time, resulting in excess cost of $10B+ annually Usage statistics for this cloud-based patient image and information sharing system: - over 160 enterprises, U.S. and Germany - 1,147 unique users - transactions: increasing by 15-20% per quarter


Traditional methods of information exchange between healthcare providers have many limitations. Fax is slow, non-secure, and results in limited information shared. CDs require physical transport, causing delays. VPNs are powerful but costly, difficult to setup/maintain, and require pre-existing relationships. Cloud-based systems offer solutions to these legacy paradigm limitations. The Cloud enables a HIPAA-compliant, secure, efficient, and platform-independent method to share DICOM-wrapped patient information via the Internet, markedly facilitating access, and reducing delays and costs. Exams and reports can be reviewed instantaneously, directly on the targeted provider’s PC or pulled into the provider’s IT repositories.

Cite This Abstract

Kovacs, M, Saint-Clair, F, Trambert, M, New Paradigm for Universal Image and Patient Information Sharing via a Cloud-based, Secure, Efficient, and Cost-effective System.  Radiological Society of North America 2011 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 26 - December 2, 2011 ,Chicago IL.