RSNA 2011 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2011


Pelvic Congestion Syndrome: Diagnosis and Therapy

Multisession Courses

Presented on November 28, 2011
Presented as part of MSVI21: Interventional Radiology Series: Interventions in the Female Pelvis


Anthony Charles Venbrux MD, Presenter: Speaker, C. R. Bard, Inc Speaker, Terumo Corporation Speaker, Cook Group Incorporated Speaker, Rex Medical, LP Speaker, Johnson & Johnson Speaker, Bayer AG Consultant, C. R. Bard, Inc


1) Gain insight into the demographics, etiology, and historical treatment of women with chronic pelvic pain. 2) Define terms, both clinical and anatomic, associated with chronic pelvic pain. 3) Discuss the clinical aspects of women with chronic pelvic pain due to ovarian and internal iliac varices. 4) Review the technique of transcatheter embolotherapy of ovarian and pelvic (i.e., internal iliac) varices. 5) Summarize the medical literature, complications, and impact of this nonsurgical procedure on perception of pain and the menstrual cycle.

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Venbrux, A, Pelvic Congestion Syndrome: Diagnosis and Therapy.  Radiological Society of North America 2011 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 26 - December 2, 2011 ,Chicago IL.