RSNA 2010 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2010


The TATylizer:  Interactive Turn-Around-Time (TAT) Analysis Integrated with a Radiology Information System Search Engine

Scientific Formal (Paper) Presentations

Presented on December 1, 2010
Presented as part of SSK09: Informatics (Quality and Safety)


Mark Steven Frank MD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Marc D. Kohli MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Kenneth A. Buckwalter MD, Abstract Co-Author: Research grant, Siemens AG
Rita R. Mcfarland, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose


A free-text and data-centric RIS search engine with integrated TAT analysis is a valuable informatics tool for improving quality of service in radiology.


Radiology departments often need to assess metrics related to TAT that focus on specific subsets of examinations. For example, TAT for evaluation of PIC catheter placement. Often a subset is defined not only by a specific examination, but also regards why the examination was performed. Both the radiologist's report (which contains in free text the stated indications for an examination) and RIS-centric data elements must be queried in order to extract the desired examinations. The system must therefore support simultaneous free-text and data-centric searching. Robust capabilities for free-text search are desirable to accurately find the examinations of interest.


We have developed a combined free-text and data-centric RIS search engine that operates interactively in real time.  The user can direct the system to automatically average and report TAT for examinations meeting the search criteria.   Searchable data elements include modality, organ system, examination code(s), date range, radiologist(s), and age range and gender of patients.  The system uses an optimized index so that results for several thousand "hits" out of millions of examinations are returned in seconds.   The TAT epochs reported are exam-completed-to-dictated, dictated-to-final-signed, and completed-to-final-signed.  An optional ancillary view provides breakdowns by radiologist, facility, and exam priority, and also provides outlier analyses.


The system has provided valuable insights into timeliness of care. The available search criteria facilitate ad-hoc and nearly instantaneous observations along several dimensions. Metrics can be gleaned regarding specific examinations for which TAT is critical, such as post-procedure and intraoperative radiographs. Furthermore, whenever TAT is brought into question for any subset of examinations, the system enables objective analysis  to determine if a problem actually exists and to facilitate rapid mitigation. Sometimes the cause of a perceived problem can be traced to behaviors of the ordering constituency.

Cite This Abstract

Frank, M, Kohli, M, Buckwalter, K, Mcfarland, R, The TATylizer:  Interactive Turn-Around-Time (TAT) Analysis Integrated with a Radiology Information System Search Engine.  Radiological Society of North America 2010 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 28 - December 3, 2010 ,Chicago IL.