Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2010
Open Source Software to Integrate OsiriX into FileMaker Pro Database
Scientific Informal (Poster) Presentations
Presented on December 2, 2010
Presented as part of LL-INS-TH: Informatics
Kazufumi Suzuki MD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Satoru Morita MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Ai Masukawa, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Eiko Ueno MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Our open-source software enables integration of Osirix's DICOM database with popular applications in Mac OS X.
OsiriX is very well known open-source digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) software, but its image database is difficult to use from other local applications on Mac OS X.
In our medical imaging curriculum for medical students, we utilize the FileMaker Pro database, which is designed to store patient information and questions that students can use for self-learning.
We developed software to integrate OsiriX into Mac OS X applications and have released it as freeware on the Internet. This software uses an original protocol handler (osirixhelper:) and can be used from any application, including FileMaker Pro. Moreover, the FileMaker Pro database can also be delivered via instant web sharing, and our software can be accessed via the Safari web browser. Therefore, the local network administrator can manage both the image database on OsiriX and the patient information database on FileMaker Pro. Our software is an AppleScript-based applet that employs graphic user interface (GUI) scripting to permit local searching in the OsiriX database.
Suzuki, K,
Morita, S,
Masukawa, A,
Ueno, E,
Open Source Software to Integrate OsiriX into FileMaker Pro Database. Radiological Society of North America 2010 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 28 - December 3, 2010 ,Chicago IL.