RSNA 2010 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2010


Embolization for Varicoceles

Multisession Courses

Presented on December 2, 2010
Presented as part of VI51: Interventional Radiology Series: Embolization Therapy


Lindsay S. Machan MD, Presenter: Medical Advisory Board, Boston Scientific Corporation Medical Advisory Board, Cook Group Incorporated Medical Advisory Board, Calgary Scientific, Inc Board of Directors, Sentinelle Medical, Inc Board of Directors, National Distribution & Contracting, Inc Stockholder, Angiotech Pharmaceuticals, Inc Stockholder, AngioDynamics, Inc Stockholder, Delcath Systems, Inc


1) Describe the incidence and pathophysiology of varicoceles. 2) Discuss the role and technique of scrotal ultrasound. 3) Describe the technique of varicocele embolization. 4) Discuss strategies for practice development.


Varicoceles are found in 10 -15 % of the general population and occur with a far higher frequency in subfertile men. Although the role of varicocele in male factor infertility remains cntroversial, there are widely accepted indications for treatment including pain and testicular atrophy. Varicocele embolization is the quintessential interventional radiologic procedure with no incision and shorter recovery times compared with surgery, issues particularly important in teens and young adults. Despite these advantages, embolization has not achieved a high penetration rate, particularly in North America. Over the past few years, varicocele embolization has been markedly simplified and outcomes significantly improved by the addition of liquid agents to the embolic regime. Scrotal ultrasound, techniques of varicocele embolization and strategies for practice development will be discussed.

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Machan, L, Embolization for Varicoceles.  Radiological Society of North America 2010 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 28 - December 3, 2010 ,Chicago IL.