RSNA 2008 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2008


Breast Imaging (Mammography)

Scientific Papers — Breast (Imaging and Interventional), Mammography, Oncologic Imaging,

Presented on December 1, 2008


Murray Rebner MD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Michael N. Linver MD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose


SSE02-01     Patterns of Care Study: Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnostic Mammography in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (PCS/PA)—Radiologists and Facilities
Catherine Piccoli | Jean Owen PhD | Rebecca Lewis MPH

SSE02-02     Arbitration Cancers in a Population-based Breast Cancer Screening Program Performing Independent Double Reading with Consensus
Solveig Hofvind | Per Skaane MD, PhD | Berta Geller

SSE02-03     The Use of Skin Markers in the Performance of Mammography:  A Survey of the Tendencies and Protocols of Breast Imaging Facilities in the United States
Stuart Kaplan MD | Abraha Taddese MD, PhD

SSE02-04     Quantifying Diagnostic Confidence in Free-Text Mammography Reporting
Eliot Siegel MD | Joseph Chen MD | Bruce Reiner MD | Tara Morgan MD | Rakhi Goel MD

SSE02-05     Radiological Review of Interval Breast Cancer Cases in the Context of Organized Screening
Lori McDonald MD | Judy Caines MD | Gerald Schaller MD | Jennifer Payne PhD | Julie Gallant | Theresa Foley RT

SSE02-06     Medico-legal Issues in Breast Imaging
Hema Purushothaman | Robin Wilson FRCR | Lisa Meacock MBBS | Juliet Morel | Elizabeth O'Flynn MBBS | Michael Michell MBBCH

Cite This Abstract

Rebner, M, Linver, M, Breast Imaging (Mammography).  Radiological Society of North America 2008 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, February 18 - February 20, 2008 ,Chicago IL.