RSNA 2008 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2008


BOOST: Head and Neck–Integrated Science and Practice (ISP) Session

Multisession Courses — Radiation Oncology, Head and Neck,

Presented on December 1, 2008


Chung Taik Chung MD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose


A combination of education and science. Scientific papers will follow an invited lecture.


RO22-01     Invited Speaker
Robert Amdur MD

RO22-02     Anatomical Changes during Chemoradiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Cancer: Considerations for Re-planning
Fleur Huang MD | Siavosh Vakilian MD | George Shenouda MD, PhD | William Parker MSc

RO22-03     Comprehensive Hyperfractionated (HFx) Re-Irradiation (Re-RT) of Recurrent Head and Neck (H/N) Cancer Is Feasible: A Retrospective Review of the University of Southern California (USC) Experience
Michael Eaton MD | Michele Kovas BS | Uttam Sinha MD | Parvesh Kumar MD

RO22-04     Value of Kilovoltage Cone Beam CT (CBCT) to Track Dose in the Adaptive Radiation Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer
Kenneth Hu MD | Aparna Surapaneni MD

RO22-06     Impact of Tumor Volume in Definitive and Postoperative Oropharyngeal Cancer Treated with IMRT
Wesley Russell | Joseph Deasy PhD | Wade Thorstad MD | Bruce Haughey MD, MS | Issam El Naqa PhD

Cite This Abstract

Chung, C, BOOST: Head and Neck–Integrated Science and Practice (ISP) Session.  Radiological Society of North America 2008 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, February 18 - February 20, 2008 ,Chicago IL.