RSNA 2008 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2008


Screening Strategies

Multisession Courses

Presented on December 2, 2008
Presented as part of VB31: Breast Series: Identification and Management of the Patient at High Risk for Breast Cancer


Edward A. Sickles MD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose


1) Describe the strengths and limitations of screening high-risk patients using mammography, MRI, ultrasound, and other breast imaging modalities. 2) Describe screening protocols for high-risk patients in terms of when to begin screening, how frequently to screen, what breast imaging modality or modalities to use for screening, how to sequence screening with more than one modality, and when to end screening.


This presentation discusses the strengths and limitations of screening high-risk patients with mammography, MRI, and ultrasound. It also discusses screening protocols for high-risk patients in terms of [a] when to begin screening, [b] how frequently to screen, [c] which breast imaging modalities to utilize for screening, [d] how to sequence screening with more than one breast imaging modality, and [e] when to end screening.

Cite This Abstract

Sickles, E, Screening Strategies.  Radiological Society of North America 2008 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, February 18 - February 20, 2008 ,Chicago IL.