RSNA 2006 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2006


Evaluation of Cystic Lesions of Breast on Mammography and Sonography and Pathological Correlation

Scientific Posters

Presented on November 26, 2006
Presented as part of LLBR-B: Breast


Priyanka Singh MBBS, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Sandesh Singh MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose


To understand the role of Mammography and High Resolution Sonography in evaluation of cystic breast lesions with characterization of benign and malignant lesions and determining pathological basis and management recommendations based on mammographic and sonographic appearances


In a 2- year prospective study 2400 mammograms and breast sonograms were performed and cystic breast lesions identified and assessed.Diagnosis was established with fine needle aspiration,core biopsy needle or both or excision .Imaging,cytological,microbiological and /or histopathological findings were reviewed.On mammography lesions were defined according to presence of a mass,distortion and calcifications.Breast density grades were determined according to BI-RADS on a scale 1-4. On ultrasound breast lesions were evaluated for size,shape,margins,echotexture,echogenicity,echointensity,refraction, calcifications ,wall thickness,septations and compressibility.Lesions were classified as simple cysts,complicated cysts,clustered microcysts,cystic masses with a thick wall and/or thick septations, intracystic or mixed cystic and solid masses or predominantly solid masses with eccentric cystic foci.


240 cystic lesions were detected.27 simple cysts were aspirated for symptomatic relief.There were 60 lesions designated as complicated cysts which along with 2 cysts with thin septations and 25 clustered microcysts proved to be benign.Of 37 masses with thick indistinct walls or thick septations twelve proved malignant.Of 29 intracystic or mixed cystic and solid masses, nine proved malignant. Of 60 predominantly solid masses with eccentric cystic foci, eleven proved malignant


Symptomatic simple and complicated cysts warrant aspiration.All clustered microcysts were benign.Cystic lesions with thick indistinct walls and/or thick septations,intracystic masses, and predominantly solid masses with eccentric cystic foci should be examined at biopsy.23% of such complex cystic lesions proved malignant


Mammography and breast sonography together are valuable in imaging cystic breast lesions

Cite This Abstract

Singh, P, Singh, S, Evaluation of Cystic Lesions of Breast on Mammography and Sonography and Pathological Correlation.  Radiological Society of North America 2006 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 26 - December 1, 2006 ,Chicago IL.