RSNA 2004 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2004


Breast (Interventional)

Scientific Papers — Breast, Vascular And/or Interventional,

Presented on November 29, 2004


Jennifer Ann Harvey MD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose


J.A.H.: Research agreement with General Electric.


SSE02-01     Pre-operative Staging of the Axilla in Women Recently Diagnosed with Breast Cancer: Accuracy of Axillary Ultrasound and Ultrasound-guided Fine Needle Aspiration
Mark Helvie MD | Alexis Nees MD | Stephanie Patterson MD | Marilyn Roubidoux MD | Lisa Newman MD

SSE02-02     Ultrasound and Fine Needle Aspiration of Axillary Lymph Nodes in Initial Staging of Breast Cancer
Susan Koelliker MD | Martha Mainiero MD | Margaret Steinhoff MD | Maureen Chung MD | Blake Cady MD

SSE02-03     Initial Experience with Ultrasound-guided 14G Core Biopsy of Suspicious Axillary Lymph Nodes in Patients with Breast Cancer as an Alternative to Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy (SLNB)
Gillian Newstead MD | Robert Schmidt MD | Hiroyuki Abe MD | Charlene Sennett MD

SSE02-04     Reassessing Specimen Number and Diagnostic Accuracy of Ultrasound-guided Breast Core Biopsy
Karen Hou MD | Kevin Kirshenbaum MD | Margaret Dickerson DO

SSE02-05     Comparison of the Diagnostic Accuracy of a Vacuum-assisted Percutaneous Intact Specimen Sampling Device to 11g Vacuum-assisted Core Procedures for Biopsy of Breast Cancer: A Multi-Center Experience
William Poller MD | Larry Killebrew MD | Steven Frankel MD | Farhad Contractor MD | Kathy Schilling MD | Carrie Morrison MD | Stephen Keller MD | Ada Romilly MD | Carol Vicinanza-Adami MD | Angela Sie MD | et al

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Harvey, J, Breast (Interventional).  Radiological Society of North America 2004 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 28 - December 3, 2004 ,Chicago IL.