RSNA 2004 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2004


Emergency Radiology

Scientific Posters — Emergency Radiology,

Presented on November 28, 2004


Pierre-Alexandre Alois Poletti MD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose


0101ER-p     Standard Trauma-Protocol Thoracic and Abdominal CT Serves as an Effective Screening Tool for Thoracic and Lumbar Fractures
Carol Boles MD | Margaret McKernan MD | Preston Miller MD | Frank Collinson | Gabriel Berry MD | Mitchell Harris | Scott Adams BS | et al

0102ER-p     Incidental Findings of CT Scans of Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department
Gary Chen MD | Mahendra Shah

0103ER-p     Accuracy of Whole-body CT Scan for the Evaluation of Polytrauma Victims
Guy Frija MD | Yvonne Maratos MD | Adel Kalai MD | Olivier Clément MD | Rached Triki MD

0104ER-p     Wipeout! The Unique Radiologic Manifestations and Considerations of Board Surfing Related Injuries
Jeremy Kuniyoshi MD | Mini Pathria MD | David Smith MD

0105ER-p     Prevalence of Paranasal Sinus Mucosal Thickening in Setting of Trauma
John Yi | Gerald Hillman MD, PhD

0106ER-p     Which Assessment Should Be Preferred for a Polytrauma Victim?
Guy Frija MD | Yvonne Maratos MD | Adel Kalai MD | Thomas Loeb MD | Olivier Clément MD

Cite This Abstract

Poletti, P, Emergency Radiology.  Radiological Society of North America 2004 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 28 - December 3, 2004 ,Chicago IL.