RSNA 2003 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2003


Normal and Pathological MR Findings in Osteochondral Autografts in the Longitudinal Follow-up

Scientific Papers

Presented on December 1, 2003
Presented as part of C22: Musculoskeletal (Cartilage Imaging)


Thomas Link MD, PRESENTER: Nothing to Disclose

Abstract: HTML Purpose: To analyze normal and pathological MR-findings in osteochondral autografts of the knee and ankle in the longitudinal follow-up and in relation to the clinical findings. Methods and Materials: MR imaging was performed in 55 patients (21 females: 34 males; mean age 34.5 +/- 12.1 years) after osteochondral autograft transfer system (OATS) procedures in the knee (n=45) and ankle (n=10). MR-sequences were obtained with and without intravenous Gd-DTPA administration. In all of these patients imaging was performed within the first year post-operatively. In 30 patients longitudinal follow-up MR examinations were performed within the second to fourth year post-operatively. At the time of the MR-examination patients were assessed clinically by an orthopedic surgeon. MR examinations were analyzed by two radiologists in consensus. Results: 107 OATS cylinders were implanted (range: 1-5 per patient, average: 1.7). Eight partial or complete osteonecroses of the cylinders (n=6 in the knee and n=2 in the ankle) were found in 6 patients. 50% (4/8) of these were already demonstrated during the first year, while the remaining four were shown in the second year. Pain and/or limited function, however, were found in only 2/6 patients. Edema around and/or in the cylinders was found in 51% (28/55) of the patients within the first year, which decreased in the second to fourth year (5/30). Joint effusion and synovitis were found in 40/55 (73%) patients in the first year and in 10/30 (67%) patients in the second to fourth year. Changes in the cartilage signal intensity could not be demonstrated in the longitudinal follow-up. Substantial graft incongruity was not observed in any patient. Conclusion: Normal findings after OATS procedures include bone marrow edema and synovitis, which decrease in the longitudinal follow-up. Partial or complete osteochondral autograft necroses were found in 6/55 patients, in 3 patients these were demonstrated in the longitudinal follow-up in the second year.       Questions about this event email:

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Link MD, T, Normal and Pathological MR Findings in Osteochondral Autografts in the Longitudinal Follow-up.  Radiological Society of North America 2003 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 30 - December 5, 2003 ,Chicago IL.