RSNA 2003 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2003


An Audit of Patient's Responses To, and Complications Arising from Prostate Biopsy

Scientific Posters

Presented on December 4, 2003
Presented as part of R18: Ultrasound Genitourinary


Jagrit Shah MBBS, PRESENTER: Nothing to Disclose

Abstract: HTML Purpose: Prostate biopsy numbers increase every year with some men needing multiple repeat biopsies. Traditionally the procedure has been performed as an outpatient with no analgesia. Studies have shown that 96% of patients find the biopsy painful and 20% unbearably so. Our department has modified the technique to try and improve the patient's perception of the procedure. This involved giving the patients a detailed information sheet and using local anaesthetia during the procedure. Methods and Materials: 350 patients were given a form to complete for 1 week following biopsy. This form consisted of an analogue pain scale, a diary of common complications eg. haematuria, PR bleeding and an analgesia diary. Patients were asked if they had needed to contact a doctor or for any other comments, including whether they would have the procedure again. Results: 290 men responded. Over 70% scored the procedure as almost painless and would have it done again. Less than 5 % found the procedure painful. 80% had mild haematuria, 50% mild PR bleeding. Less than 1% developed symptomatic infection. Conclusion: Prostate biopsy performed optimally is a well tolerated procedure which the majority of men would have repeated if necessary.      

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Shah MBBS, J, An Audit of Patient's Responses To, and Complications Arising from Prostate Biopsy.  Radiological Society of North America 2003 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 30 - December 5, 2003 ,Chicago IL.