Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2022


Ultrasound and Computed Tomography in The Evaluation of Mesenteric Lesions

Sunday, Nov. 27 8:00AM - 9:00AM Room: Learning Center - GI

Snehal Kose, MBBS, MD, (Presenter) Nothing to Disclose


Explain the anatomy and contents of the mesentery Describe ultrasound (USG) and computed tomographic (CT) features of primary and secondary solid mesenteric lesions, mesenteric cystic lesions, secondary mesenteric involvement in inflammatory/ infectious conditions like tuberculosis and inflammatory bowel disease and vascular lesions affecting mesentery. Highlight the importance of cross sectional imaging in diagnosis, detection of complications and management of mesenteric lesions Discuss a stepwise algorithm to approach mesenteric lesions for providing thoughtful differentials


Anatomy and contents of the small bowel mesentery USG and computed tomographic (CT) features of - Primary mesenteric solid neoplasms Mesenteric cystic lesions Unilocular cysts Multilocular cysts Secondary mesenteric solid lesions and their routes of spread Deposits Lymphadenopathy Stellate mesentery Mesenteric involvement in tuberculosis and inflammatory bowel disease Vascular anomalies of mesentery SMA thrombosis with acute mesenteric ischemia SMA-SMV arteriovenous fistula Complications due to mesenteric lesions Bowel Urological Vascular Management of mesenteric lesions Image guided biopsy Planning surgical strategy Stepwise algorithm for imaging evaluation of mesenteric lesions

Printed on: 06/27/23