RSNA 2015

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2015


Laying the Foundation for Interventional Radiology (IR) in Underdeveloped Countries through the Strategic Use of Established Infrastructure and Workforce

Wednesday, Dec. 2 12:15PM - 12:45PM Location: HP Community, Learning Center Station #3

Jay Shah, BA, MD, New York City, NY (Presenter) Nothing to Disclose
Mohammed Hoque, MD, Jamaica Estates, NY (Abstract Co-Author) Nothing to Disclose
Sarah Kantharia, MD, Brooklyn, NY (Abstract Co-Author) Nothing to Disclose
Eric F. Greif, DO, Huntington, NY (Abstract Co-Author) Nothing to Disclose
Scott E. Corelli, MD, New York, NY (Abstract Co-Author) Nothing to Disclose
Shaun M. Honig, MD, New York, NY (Abstract Co-Author) Nothing to Disclose
Sergei Sobolevsky, Brooklyn, NY (Abstract Co-Author) Nothing to Disclose
David Mobley, MD, New York, NY (Abstract Co-Author) Nothing to Disclose

1. Learn basic models of primary and specialty healthcare in resource scarce regions.2. Learn the landscape of operators (eg OB/GYN) performing minimally invasive procedures in remote areas.3. Learn the accessibility and resource challenges of IR in the developing world.


As a field, Interventional Radiology prides itself in continuous innovation. IR is often inseparable from the highly technical and resource intensive tools it demands. IR offers patients a safe, fast and minimally invasive solution to serious health problems which may otherwise necessitate open surgery. As radiology continues to evolve in the underserved world, IR lags behind due to lack of resources and experienced staff. Critical analysis of demographics, infrastructure, resource allocation, and workforce is necessary to lay the foundation for IR in the undeveloped world.


Resource allocation and workforce training centered on IR services is rare in the industrializing world. As technical and financial means for equipment continue to be more economically viable, the practice of IR is unfeasible without a foundational work force. General practitioners are often the only point of care for the patient population ethically compelling us train these physicians in skillsets needed for common procedures. As medical architecture in these regions continue to mature and necessitate more IR services, this initial workforce will sustain the skillset within a training system that overcomes the practical and economic limitations of traditional training. Furthermore, extrapolating from IR experiences in humanitarian missions, and military engagements can provide insight into strategically modifying the most useful procedures in emerging economies.


Having a network of skilled providers to locally develop IR is most viable by engaging general practitioners to learn specific techniques to use within the current health care scheme. With an eye to eventually establishing a sustainable IR skillset for useful and applicable services in the developing world, introducing these concepts to local providers will eventually yield a future environment accepting and necessitating a dedicated IR curriculum.


Developing economies demand health care solutions which are safe and effective, as IR practioners it is our responsibility to determine how we can responsibly train and implement our knowledge base abroad to improve global health.