RSNA 2014 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2014


Chest Tuesday Poster Discussions

Scientific Posters — Chest Radiology,

Presented on December 2, 2014



CHS257     Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)/ Usual Interstitial Pneumonia (UIP) without Honeycombing on CT: CT findings in 30 Patients Diagnosed by Surgical Lung Biopsy
Takeshi Johkoh MD, PhD | Fumikazu Sakai MD, PhD | Takashi Ogura MD | Hiroyuki Taniguchi | Tetsuo Yamaguchi | Masasho Bando MD, PhD

CHS258     Inhalation Lung Injury by Hydrogen Chloride: Radiologic Spectrum with Serial Follow-up Study
Ji Yung Choo MD | Ki Yeol Lee MD, PhD | Eun-Young Kang MD | Whan Oh | Je Kim | Sung-Joon Park MD | JungWon Kwak

CHS259     Metastases in Mediastinal and Hilar Lymph Nodes in Patients with Lung Carcinoma : Quantitative Assessments with DW- and STIR- MR Imaging—What is the Appropriate Method for Detection of Metastases in Lymph Nodes on the DW- and STIR- MR Images?
Jun Nakayama MD | Kazuo Miyasaka MD, PhD

CHS260     Patients with Emphysema: What is the Actual Risk of Pneumothorax-related Complications for these Patients during Percutaneous Lung Biopsies?
J. Louis Hinshaw MD | Scott Loomis MD | Meghan Lubner MD | Timothy Ziemlewicz MD | David Kim MD | Perry Pickhardt MD | Douglas Kitchin MD | Fred Lee MD

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Chest Tuesday Poster Discussions.  Radiological Society of North America 2014 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, - ,Chicago IL.