Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2014
Hong Yang, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Julie Young, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Laurie A. Perry RN, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Timothy OConnor MBA, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Alex Towbin MD, Abstract Co-Author: Author, Amirsys Inc
Shareholder, Merge Healthcare Incorporated
Consultant, Guerbet SA
As a complex Radiology department at a large tertiary care hospital with multiple outpatient centers, we were faced with the problem of maintaining standard MRI protocols on ten machines at four locations across three vendors. Historically, the imaging protocols were documented using a word-processing application. They were then distributed either via a shared network drive or through paper-based copies maintained in binders. Changes to the protocols were difficult and time consuming. To address these issues, we designed and implemented an easy-to-use, web-based MRI protocol database application.
A database-driven, web-based application was created which allows clinical managers to store MRI protocol information in a database. Multiple protocols can be stored and organized based on the physical scanner, radiology specialty, and the specific body part(s). For each protocol, individual sequence steps can be defined and annotated along with pre-scan and post-scan steps to be followed by the technologist. Each step in the protocol can be annotated with images in order to further convey relevant information. In addition, the system also allows for associated documents (PDF, MS Word, etc.) and hyperlinks to be stored as part of the protocol and referenced directly from the protocol web pages. Protocol information is displayed via a standard web browser in a tabular, easy to understand and follow format.
More than 100 MRI protocols are currently stored in the system with more being added as the system continues to be rolled out. The use of web technology has allowed us to provide a single, easy to use portal for access to all of the protocol information. We believe that consistent presentation of the sequence step instructions and notes aids in consistency in the use of the protocols throughout the department.
Using a database-driven, web application to store and manage complex MRI protocols provides easier access to critical information for imaging technologists and allows divisional leaders to quickly make changes that are instantly accessible to all technologists.
Yang, H,
Young, J,
Perry, L,
OConnor, T,
Towbin, A,
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Protocol Application. Radiological Society of North America 2014 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, - ,Chicago IL.