RSNA 2014 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2014


The Evolution of Global Health Radiology Informatics; Are We Equipped to Communicate to Colleagues? A Review of the Completeness of the Radiology Informatics Alphabet Soup

Scientific Papers

Presented on December 1, 2014
Presented as part of SSC07: ISP: Informatics (Enterprise Integration)


Judy Wawira Gichoya MBChB, MSc, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose


RSNA initiatives should expand to support global radiology informatics through modeling and mapping appropriate concepts for use in radiology systems. From our experience, use of value groups and coded concept sets can be explored to comprehensively represent minimum reporting for radiology tests. 


Developing countries are rapidly adopting Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems to improve patient care. There is an increased emphasis to collect structured data types to improve reporting and clinical decision support. Radiology systems in developing countries are characterized by continued use of analogue systems, manual development of films, and paper based prose form reporting and inadequate radiologists for reporting. Despite these challenges, basic radiology modalities are relied upon in managing trauma cases, obstetric care, and to support diagnosis for primary and chronic care diseases like HIV and Tuberculosis. To improve quality of radiology reports and clinical communication, RSNA provides a reference guide for structured reports 


CIEL-MVP dictionary is a reference terminology provided for use in OpenMRS® , an open source medical records system used in over 42 countries, and selected for national deployment in Kenya, Rwanda and Nigeria. It has concepts in various local languages that are mapped to SNOMED CT and ICD10. We mapped the structured template reports available at to this dictionary, and analyzed mapped concepts for completeness.  


A total of 119 (< 1%) concepts are classified as ‘Radiology/Imaging Procedure’. None of the templates have 100% complete mapping of terminologies. Existing concepts are created for setting up order systems but are insufficient for clinical reporting since all are mapped as normal and abnormal. Laterality and possible views are separated into separate concepts e.g. Left and right extremity ultrasound, CXR AP view, Lateral view – and this creates fragmentation and increased complexity of data collection. No reporting templates for barium and obstetric studies are provided for reporting by RSNA.At present, use of the dictionary is inadequate to provide complete radiology reports. 

Cite This Abstract

Gichoya, J, The Evolution of Global Health Radiology Informatics; Are We Equipped to Communicate to Colleagues? A Review of the Completeness of the Radiology Informatics Alphabet Soup.  Radiological Society of North America 2014 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, - ,Chicago IL.