RSNA 2014 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2014


Single-Handed Gesture Control for Image Manipulation Using Leap Motion and Open Source Software: Initial User Experience

Education Exhibits

Presented on December 1, 2014
Presented as part of INS-MOA: Informatics Monday Poster Discussions


Derick Hsieh, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Philippe Kruchten, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Darra Thomas Murphy MD, FRCPC, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose


With gesture-based control systems becoming an alternative interface to traditional computing systems, new interactive methods can be implemented in a medical environment. Gesture-based interactions allow no-touch control of a system that removes the need of the re-sterilization process. This may reduce procedure time and allow the physician to focus on the primary task at hand. We propose a simple method where the primary user can perform most common tasks such as scroll, zoom, pan and window width/level (ww/wl) adjustments with just one hand using a Leap Motion sensor and an open source DICOM viewer, Weasis. 


Special algorithms were derived to eliminate obstacles such as lighting conditions, noise, and interference from other equipment. We asked 12 clinicians (9 radiologists and 3 orthopedic surgeons) to participate. All clinicians stated they routinely reviewed patient imaging during a procedure. Following a brief introduction and demonstration taking less than 5 minutes, the clinicians were asked to perform certain tasks on multiple CT and MRI imaging datasets in a non-clinical test environment. Most clinicians had no prior experience with interactive gesture sensors (10/12). All clinicians rated the experience as satisfactory or very satisfactory and provided very positive feedback with regards to image zoom, scroll, pan and fine tuning ww/wl as well as ww/wl presets. All 12 clinicians stated a preference of single-handed over two-handed gesture control.


Gesture based technology for manipulation of medical images in a sterile environment is a promising tool. We have developed an open source plugin to allow the user the ability to use one hand to finely manipulate medical imaging data. We endeavored to make the system easy to use by developing a method where no calibration is needed. This is simple to implement as it can easily be integrated into existing systems, requires no calibration and is very low cost.


We have demonstrated a very positive user experience by harnessing this powerful technology. Further research is required to evaluate the impact this may have on procedure times and user experience in the operating room or interventional radiology suite.


Cite This Abstract

Hsieh, D, Kruchten, P, Murphy, D, Single-Handed Gesture Control for Image Manipulation Using Leap Motion and Open Source Software: Initial User Experience.  Radiological Society of North America 2014 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, - ,Chicago IL.