RSNA 2014 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2014


Diagnosis, Surgery, Therapy and Follow Up in Parathyroid Disease: New Paradigms and Procedures

Education Exhibits

Presented on December 4, 2014
Presented as part of NRS-THA: Neuroradiology Thursday Poster Discussions


Brian M. Rodgers MD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Eduard V. Kotlyarov MD, PhD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Emad Kandil MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose


As imaging physicians, we need to play an active role in the diagnosis and assist in the therapy and post operative follow up of properly selected patients likely to have parathyroid disease. Interventional Radiologists can also localize lesions that might difficult to find in the OR. 1.  Carefully select patients based on clinical and laboratory findings. 2.  Choose the proper diagnostic imaging tests from US, CT, MRI, NM, and/or PET. PET and NM can also be used just prior to surgery to localize tiny abnormalities and gamma probes can be used by surgeons in the OR to assure complete removal of suspect areas. 3. Newer surgical techniques, such as endoscopy via periauricular and axillary approaches are now available for "scarless" surgery. In the US some centers have a multi year experience in this, but often do less than 100 patients per year endoscopically. Laboratory testing in the OR for PTH (parathyroid hormone) decline following successful surgery and will also be reviewed. Several case studies illustrate this.  


Review of Indications, Contraindications - Mostly Patient and Test Selection Choosing Between Imaging Exams for Diagnosis - US, CT, MRI, NM, PET  Treatment Choices - Current Standard of Care, Open Field vs Endocsopic Surgery Follow-up Management - Biochemical and / or Imaging 


Cite This Abstract

Rodgers, B, Kotlyarov, E, Kandil, E, Diagnosis, Surgery, Therapy and Follow Up in Parathyroid Disease: New Paradigms and Procedures.  Radiological Society of North America 2014 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, - ,Chicago IL.