Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2014
Suranarong Kamtasila MEng, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Krongrat Kangwanklai BS, MS, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Based on research; ISO27001-Implementing Medical Imaging Archiving using Big Data Architecture, having two set of onsite archiving data on HDFS enable the onsite copying and unlimited storage space. We have encountered a problem of having another set of data storage offsite. A result of using HDFS synchronization was not satisfactory. Our solution is to develop a multisource file-transfer or swarming file-transfer replication system. Its aim is to improve the overall performance, and accuracy of data backup to the offsite storage.
Performance of transferring data over DICOM protocol was not good. Using other protocols e.g., FTP or rsync, might lead to inability to know if the data transfer was successful. This research focuses on an adaption of the principle of multisource file-transfer. If there are changes at the Study level, a source server will modify the structure of source directory by combining all into one file, compress and divide into smaller pieces and encrypt each piece. The cryptography technique is used to ensure data integrity and confidentiality when data is sent across to a destination server in the form of multisource-single receiver. In this structure, if there is more than one copy of data, it is possible to divide and send multiple pieces of data simultaneously.
ISO27001 standard required to have business continuity management process implemented to minimize the impact on the organization and recover from loss of data. Also, it is required to ensure authenticity and protecting message integrity. In the research, backup servers are online 24x7 to enable the resource availability. The Map Reduce Framework allows compression to happen quickly and concurrently. These implementations allow us to have reliable and efficient data transfer and be able to monitor data replication activities at all times.
The onsite and multi-site copying with concurrent data validation in application, database and file system will enable us to counteract interruptions to business activities and to protect critical business processes from the effects of major failures of information systems and to ensure the timely resumption. This will fulfill ISO27001 requirements-BCP.
Kamtasila, S,
Kangwanklai, K,
ISO27001-Implementing Secured DICOM Replication and Data Restore for Multiple Archiving Servers. Radiological Society of North America 2014 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, - ,Chicago IL.