Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2014
Desktop Reporting Assistant Tools using QR Code and OCR on the Fly in the Reading Room: Feasibility of all-in-one Cam Mouse and Web-based QR Code Templates
Education Exhibits
Presented on December 1, 2014
Presented as part of INS-MOA: Informatics Monday Poster Discussions
Norio Nakata MD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Tomoyuki Ohta, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Yukio Miyamoto MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Kunihiko Fukuda MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Nowadays, almost science journals are online and e-Books are becoming more popular.
However, old journals and textbooks still remain on paper in the department of radiology. Contents of e-Books are stored in the tablet. And those smart devices are sometimes difficult to connect directly with HIS/RIS. If radiologists want to cite the important descriptions from those references for radiological reporting, they have to copy those descriptions manually by typing or dictation. So those jobs are tedious and time-consuming.
Optical character recognition (OCR) and QR codes enable connecting the offline world to the online environment. Webcam is available to manage OCR and QR code. But conventional enterprise workstations for radiology reporting do not include the web cam as standard equipment.
We have developed reporting assistant tools using open source OCR and QR code libraries using the cam mouse. The cam mouse is a commercial available all-in-one wired mouse, which combines a 1200DPI mouse with a 2.0M pixel camera. Those OCR and QR code tools are developed using HTML5 and JavaScript. Using OCR and QR code scanner with the cam mouse, it is easy to attach the cited text to the reports and to read the QR codes including the URL and document data. We have also developed unique web-based management system of QR code templates for radiology reports including RSNA Radiology Reporting Templates. This QR code templates are put in our original website. Radiologists do not input their original templates into their each reporting system of multiple institutes. Radiologists can create and revise their own variable templates using real-time QR code generator and OCR tool with their tablet terminals and use them in any hospitals.
BYOD brings new security challenges for secured IT. OCR or QR code is one of those technologies. We will discuss the pros and cons of each solution. We will also compare these technologies with other wireless data transfer methods such as Bluetooth, transfer data using ultrasound, and other new technologies.
OCR and QR code tools for reporting using the cam mouse are feasible approach to paper-based data transfer between reporting workstation and BYOD.
Nakata, N,
Ohta, T,
Miyamoto, Y,
Fukuda, K,
Desktop Reporting Assistant Tools using QR Code and OCR on the Fly in the Reading Room: Feasibility of all-in-one Cam Mouse and Web-based QR Code Templates. Radiological Society of North America 2014 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, - ,Chicago IL.