Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2014
Amit T. Kharat PhD, DMRD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Dhaval Kanu Thakkar MBBS, MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Amol Takalkar MBBS, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Amarjit Singh MD, DMRD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
vilas kulkarni, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Kuldip Parthibhai Chaudhary MBBS, MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Mansi N Jantre MBBS,MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
LHDA on workstation and PACS of academic images is efficient and fastest. It is a favored option amongst radiologists as compared to CB system. CB system is systematic and safe, but limited by network speed, requires local storage of data prior to upload to CB PACS. Radiologists therefore prefer local storage on the hard disc drive to save time. A robust ARIA and storage system can be a boon to radiologists to archive interesting cases directly from PACS.CB system can also alleviate space requirements, provide automatic backup in case of damage to the original source and provide access to teaching file cases virtually to anyone with an appropriate internet connection.
Study the least time consuming method of academic radiology image archival (ARIA).Utility of cloud based (CB) academic radiology image archival versus local hard disc archival (LHDA) and Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) storage.
143 resident and consultant radiologists of the same country belonging to multiple institutions were questioned regarding procedures used for ARIA. A questionnaire was prepared and answers were sought. Of those, 100 (69.93%) radiologists responded completely to the survey. Study was conducted over 4 months starting October 2013 to January 2014.
All images stored by radiologists followed HIPAA guidelines. Out of 100 radiologists, majority (95 %) used LHDA while 5 % used CB image archival system. Of the 95% using LHDA, 65 % stored files and data on the local hard drive while 35% used the PACS for image archival. 60% radiologists were aware of CB technology for ARIA, while 40 % were unaware. The 60 % radiologists who were aware but not using CB system gave following reasons: time consuming procedure to categorize, upload images (1 minute for LHDA versus 3 minutes for CB PACS), unreliable internet access; lack of technical expertise/support, lack of financial support by institution, and few other declined to answer. 84% radiologist’s acknowledged the fact that CB data was more secure, systematic as compared to LHDA on workstation. PACS based academic image archival was thought as adequate by 69% while 31 % radiologists suggested need for refinements and upgrade.
Kharat, A,
Thakkar, D,
Takalkar, A,
Singh, A,
kulkarni, v,
Chaudhary, K,
Jantre, M,
Current Trend of Academic Radiology Image Archival System in Imaging Departments of a Developing Country. Radiological Society of North America 2014 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, - ,Chicago IL.