Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2013
Raphael E. Khayat MD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Diagnologic.com is a free innovating medical database allowing an unique computer assisted diagnosis in radiology.
The website has several goals:
- To provide a quick and reliable computer assisted diagnosis in radiology using more than 500 gamuts.
- To educate radiologists by showing more than 150 000 images,
Diagnologic.com publishes cases of radiology everyday on fabecook with the account Diagnologic Radiology
After 4 years of collaboration between radiologists, and experts in database, a Diagnostic Decision Support System has been developed.
The website has more than
- 100 000 images,
- 2500 diagnostics,
- 200 anatomical locations,
- 500 gamuts
Three search modes are available:
- A search mode by gamuts, which allows the user to make a diagnosis in just a few clicks, through the use of more than 500 gamuts
- A search mode by anatomy, which lists all diagnoses present in database according to a simple but comprehensive anatomic classification
- A keyword search, which works like a conventional search engine, for which the user enters the name of diagnosis, allowing access to many images of the same diagnosis
Diagnologic is present on social networks, and presents the "case of the day" commented by radiologists woldwilde.
www.diagnologic.com is a simple, rapid, and complete website, to solve diagnoses problems, even the most complex one
Diagnologic.com is a free radiologic website to help and educate radiologists.
Khayat, R,
A Diagnostic Problem? Think www.diagnologic.com!. Radiological Society of North America 2013 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, December 1 - December 6, 2013 ,Chicago IL.