RSNA 2012 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2012


An Open Source Implementation of the caBIG® Annotation and Image Markup (AIM) Version 4.0 on an Open Source Imaging Workstation Using the caBIG® AIM 4.0 Programming Library

Education Exhibits

Presented on November 25, 2012
Presented as part of LL-INE-SU: Informatics Lunch Hour CME Exhibits


Pattanasak Mongkolwat PhD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Skip Talbot BS, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Norman Young MSc, Abstract Co-Author: President, ClearCanvas Inc CEO, ClearCanvas Inc Co-owner, ClearCanvas Inc
Vladimir Kleper, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose


The National Cancer Institute’s Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (caBIG®) In Vivo Imaging Workspace experts have been developing a standards-based information model for Annotation and Image Markup (AIM). AIM version 4.0 has been completed with a software developer’s toolkit and a translation program to convert AIM XML documents to and from AIM DICOM SR. We incorporated AIM functionality into ClearCanvas open source imaging workstation to demonstrate how AIM annotation can be used in clinical practice, translational research and for educational purposes. AIM provides a uniform data structure to store graphical drawings, human and machine observations of pixel meaning and related calculations into one common information source.


This project demonstrates how to implement the caBIG® AIM 4.0 application programming interfaces on a clinical imaging workstation for clinical and research use. Using well-defined controlled terminologies from standard lexicons and storing related calculation and graphical data in a coded and structured format, this information can be queried, retrieved and computed for clinical and research purposes.


This project demonstrates how to implement the caBIG® AIM 4.0 application programming interfaces on a clinical imaging workstation for clinical and research use. Using well-defined controlled terminologies from standard lexicons and storing related calculation and graphical data in a coded and structured format, this information can be queried, retrieved and computed for clinical and research purposes.


The workstation has typical PACS workstation functionality for drawing regions of interest and making measurements. We connected the core graphical and textual annotation functionality found in ClearCanvas to the AIM library such that annotations and measurements made on displayed images are captured as AIM documents. The workstation is also capable of importing AIM template XML documents that define a set of controlled questions and related answers for a particular type of imaging study.

Cite This Abstract

Mongkolwat, P, Talbot, S, Young, N, Kleper, V, An Open Source Implementation of the caBIG® Annotation and Image Markup (AIM) Version 4.0 on an Open Source Imaging Workstation Using the caBIG® AIM 4.0 Programming Library.  Radiological Society of North America 2012 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 25 - November 30, 2012 ,Chicago IL.