Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2012
Radiation Dose Reduction in Cone-beam CT Image-guided Interventions
Scientific Formal (Paper) Presentations
Presented on November 28, 2012
Presented as part of SSK16: Physics (CT Dose Optimization)
Kai Niu MS, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Jie Tang PhD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Kevin Royalty MS, MBA, Abstract Co-Author: Employee, Siemens AG
Orhan Seref Ozkan MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Beverly Aagaard-Kienitz MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Kari A. Pulfer, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Guang-Hong Chen PhD, Abstract Co-Author: Research funded, General Electric Company
Research funded, Siemens AG
Research funded, Varian Medical Systems, Inc
Research funded, Hologic, Inc
Charles Milton Strother MD, Abstract Co-Author: Research Consultant, Siemens AG
Research support, Siemans AG
To evaluate image quality of low dose C-arm CT reconstructions using the PICCS iterative reconstruction method compared with standard dose FBP reconstructions.
Under an IACUC protocol, three different dose levels were used in cone-beam CT scans (1.2µGy/f, 0.36 µGy/f, 0.14µGy/f) of animal subjects using a Siemens Zeego C-arm system. Image volumes were reconstructed using the standard FBP and PICCS algorithms. Images were formatted in axial slices and coronal slices at the same window and level. These images were randomly mixed and presented for two experienced interventional radiologists to review and score using a five-point scale (0: non-diagnostic; 1: high noise and unacceptable artifacts; 2: moderate noise and artifacts level; 3: minor artifacts and low noise; and 4: artifact-free and negligible noise). Image scores were summarized for the two highest dose levels for FBP and the two lowest dose levels for PICCS.
For FBP reconstruction, image quality scores are 3.0± 0.6, 1.6± 0.7 for 1.2 µGy/f and 0.36 µGy/f dose level. In contrast, for PICCS reconstruction, image quality scores were 3± 0.7 and 1.9± 0.8 for 0.36 µGy/f and 0.14 µGy/f per radiation dose level.
(1) When PICCS reconstruction is used, image quality at 0.36 µGy per frame is equivalent to the FBP reconstruction at 1.2 µGy/f dose level; (2) Image quality for PICCS reconstruction at 0.14 µGy/f is equivalent to the FBP reconstruction at 0.36 µGy/f; (3) Since the FBP reconstruction at 0.36 µGy/f is the current standard protocol in clinical, the results in (2) suggest that dose reductions of more than 60% can be achieved using PICCS reconstruction in clinics.
Using PICCS reconstruction, a radiation dose reduction of more than 60% can potentially be achieved for cone-beam CT image acquisitions.
Niu, K,
Tang, J,
Royalty, K,
Ozkan, O,
Aagaard-Kienitz, B,
Pulfer, K,
Chen, G,
Strother, C,
Radiation Dose Reduction in Cone-beam CT Image-guided Interventions. Radiological Society of North America 2012 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 25 - November 30, 2012 ,Chicago IL.