Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2011
Scientific Formal (Paper) Presentations — Musculoskeletal Radiology, Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
Presented on November 28, 2011
SSC10-01 |
Osteoid Osteoma: Assessing the Vascular Groove Sign as a Characteristic Finding on Both CT and MRI Damian Dupuy MD | Peter Evangelista MD | David Swenson MD |
SSC10-02 |
Whole-body MR Imaging Allows to Differentiate Indolent from Aggressive Systemic Mastocytosis Stefan Schoenberg MD, PhD | Henrik Michaely MD | Stefan Haneder MD | Georgia Metzgeroth | Philipp Riffel MD | Wolf-K. Hofmann | Andreas Reiter |
SSC10-03 |
Comparison of RECIST 1.1, WHO, and COG Response Criteria in Patients with Ewing Sarcoma Family of Tumors Heike Daldrup-Link MD | Neyssa Marina MD | Joshua Lee BS | Rakhee Gawande MBBS | Jeremy Sharib BS | Steven DuBois MD |
SSC10-04 |
Pretreatment Staging of Multiple Myeloma Patients: 3 T Whole-Body MRI vs 18F-FDG PET/CT Ettore Squillaci MD | Giovanni Simonetti MD | Costantino Del Giudice MD | Carmelo Cicciò MD | Orazio Schillaci MD | Francesca Bolacchi |
SSC10-05 |
The Role of Digital Tomography vs Skeletal Bone Survey in Staging Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma: Preliminary Data Michael Flynn PhD | Joseph Craig MD | Marnix van Holsbeeck MD | Carrie Bolton MD | Nishant De Quadros MD | Mishal Mendiratta-Lala MD | Javier Munoz MD | Philip Kuriakose | Vrushali Dabak MD |
SSC10-06 |
Whole-Body MRI for Staging of Patients with Multiple Myeloma in Complete or Partial Remission after Stem Cell Transplantation Gerhard Adam MD | Christoph Weber MD | Peter Bannas MD | Hannah Hentschel | Thorsten Derlin | Nikolaus Kröger MD, PhD |
SSC10-07 |
Iterative Decomposition of Water and Fat with Echo Asymmetry and Least-Squares Estimation (IDEAL) Imaging of Multiple Myeloma: Initial Clinical Efficiency Results Kazuo Awai MD | Miyuki Takasu | Chihiro Tani MD | Shuji Date | Keizo Tanitame MD | Yuji Akiyama | Akira Sakai | Toshio Kajima |
SSC10-08 |
MRI with Diffusion-weighted Imaging and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) in the Assessment of Response to Treatment in Patients with Multiple Myeloma: Preliminary Results Pietro Bonaffini MD | Davide Ippolito MD | Sandro Sironi MD | Isabella Macchi MD | Fausto Rossini MD | Alessandro Di Lelio MD |
SSC10-09 |
Transient Thickening of Trabecular Bone in Patients with Multiple Myeloma Detected by Microstructure Analysis of Lumbar Vertebrae Using Multidetector Computed Tomography Kazuo Awai MD | Miyuki Takasu | Shuji Date | Masao Kiguchi RT | Mari Matsuda MD | Miho Ishikawa | Akira Sakai | Hideki Asaoku |
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