RSNA 2011 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2011


Implementation of an Anonymization Tool for Clinical Trials Using CTP Integrated with an Existing Trial Patient Data Information System

Scientific Formal (Paper) Presentations

Presented on November 27, 2011
Presented as part of SSA11: Informatics (Education and Research)


K. Y. E. Aryanto, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Andre Broekema BS, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Matthys Oudkerk MD, PhD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Peter M.A. van Ooijen PhD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose


The experimental results show that CTP can transfer, receive, anonymize, and store DICOM images correctly in a very easy setup providing a fast, secure, and stable environment. Our adaptations to the original CTP allows easy integration into existing environments in which patient data are already included into an information system by using the existing database from this system to guide the anonymization process.


In this paper, we present an adapted CTP test setup for receiving, anonymizing, and saving DICOM data into storage through a local intranet and also through the internet for implementation in large, multi-center, clinical trial studies using external input from the original database of an existing clinical study information system to guide the anonymization process.


Two scenarios are presented for an adapted CTP test setup to receive, anonymize and save DICOM images using external input from the database of a separate study information system to guide the anonymization process. In the first scenario, images are pushed from the Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) using the DICOM protocol through a local network. In the second scenario, images are transferred through the internet using the secure HTTPS networking protocol.


In total 25000 images from fifty patients were moved from the PACS, anonymized and saved in the storage within roughly two hours using the first scenario. The anonymization of the images is based on the lookup table from the external study information system and the images are stored into appropriate directories. In the second scenario, an average of ten images per minute were transferred and processed over a residential connection with upstream speed of 0.48 Mbps. In both scenarios, no duplicated images were stored when previous images were retransferred from the PACS.

Cite This Abstract

Aryanto, K, Broekema, A, Oudkerk, M, van Ooijen, P, Implementation of an Anonymization Tool for Clinical Trials Using CTP Integrated with an Existing Trial Patient Data Information System.  Radiological Society of North America 2011 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 26 - December 2, 2011 ,Chicago IL.