RSNA 2010 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2010


National Cancer Institute, Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid Imaging Program

Education Exhibits

Presented in 2010



NCI’s Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (caBIG®) has launched multiple informatics projects involving a broad spectrum of the imaging community. These projects are designed to address some of the most pressing challenges in the imaging community to include lowering the barrier to participation by radiologists in clinical trials, controlled vocabularies and ontologies, standards for annotation and mark-ups, uniform protocols in research, grid computing, change detection and computer-aided detection. caBIG® Imaging tools and the caBIG® Clinical Trials suite will be showcased in an interactive setting. The developers of these free and open source tools will be on hand to give demonstrations and answer questions. In addition, caBIG® Imaging program leadership will be available to discuss instances of existing utilization of caBIG Imaging and CTMS products as well as opportunities for attendees to utilize caBIG® Imaging and CTMS products.


CME credit is not available at this demonstration.


LL-INE1251-A     The National Biomedical Imaging Archive (NBIA)

LL-INE1251-B     Imaging Core Middleware/Virtual PACS

LL-INE1251-C     Annotations and Imaging Markup Developer and Data Service

LL-INE1251-D     eXtensible Imaging Platform (XIP)

LL-INE1251-E     Algorithm Validation Tools (AVT)

LL-INE1251-F     caBIG® Clinical Trials Tools Suite (CCTS)

LL-INE1251-G     caBIG® Imaging In The Real World

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National Cancer Institute, Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid Imaging Program.  Radiological Society of North America 2010 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 28 - December 3, 2010 ,Chicago IL.