RSNA 2010 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2010


ISP: Health Services, Policy, and Research (Practice Management and Utilization)

Scientific Formal (Paper) Presentations — Management, Professionalism (including Ethics), Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement,

Presented on November 29, 2010


Edward Y. Lee MD, MPH, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Norman Joseph Beauchamp MD, MHS, Presenter:


SSC07-01     Health Services Policy and Research Keynote Speaker: Qualities of a Well-Run Clinical Practice
Norman Beauchamp MD, MHS

SSC07-03     Comparing the Growth in Recommendations for High-Cost Modality Exams versus Low-Cost Modality Exams in a Tertiary Care Center: A Pilot Study of MR Imaging Abdomen Reports from 1993 to 2009  
Giles Boland MD | Supriya Gupta MBBS, MD | Keith Dreyer DO, PhD | Elkan Halpern PhD | Thomas Schultz BS | Yonggang Chen

SSC07-04     The Outcome of Same-Day Point of Care Testing for Renal Function Prior to Administration of Intravenous Contrast for CT and MR Imaging at an Outpatient Imaging Center
Susan Voci MD | Sven Ekholm MD | Annie Napper MS, BS | John Strang MD

SSC07-05     Are We Fast Enough? iPhone Image Visualization for Acute Telestroke Cases
Supriya Gupta MBBS, MD | Keith Dreyer DO, PhD | Thomas Schultz BS | Sean Doyle | Anand Viswanathan | Pradheep Vemula

SSC07-06     From Static Images to Cine Clips: Enhancing the Ultrasound Workflow Environment
Teresita Angtuaco MD | Aubrey Slaughter MD | Ashley Bragg MD

SSC07-07     Retail Venue-based Screening Mammography: Assessment of Women’s Preferences
Daniel Kopans MD | Supriya Gupta MBBS, MD | Sanjay Saini MD | Abhinav Vij MBBS, MPH | Scott Hunter MD | Sheela Agarwal MD, MS

SSC07-08     What Do We Want the Referring Physicians to Do and How Do We Convince Them? Improving Compliance for Additional Imaging Recommendations of Incidental Paraspinal Findings
Sami Erbay MD | Nazli Erbay MD | Kaan Erbay

SSC07-09     National Trends in CT Utilization in the Emergency Department,1995-2007
David Larson MD | Lara Johnson MD | Beverly Schnell PhD | Shelia Salisbury PhD | Howard Forman MD

Cite This Abstract

Lee, E, Beauchamp, N, ISP: Health Services, Policy, and Research (Practice Management and Utilization).  Radiological Society of North America 2010 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 28 - December 3, 2010 ,Chicago IL.