Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2010
Is Superolateral Hoffa Fat Pad Edema a Marker for Cartilage Loss? Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI)
Scientific Informal (Poster) Presentations
Presented on November 29, 2010
Presented as part of LL-MKS-MO: Musculoskeletal
Robert J. Ward MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Sibin Thachet MD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Timothy E. McAlindon MD, MPH, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
J. Chris Suffern BA, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Alexandra E. Sophocles MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Jeffrey B. Driban PhD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
To evaluate the Superolateral Hoffa Fat Pad Edema (SHFPE) as a potential role for cartilage loss.
77 knees from the OAI progression cohort were evaluated for SHFPE. 23 knees were SHFPE positive. 6 cartilage variables in the patella or trochlea were analyzed: mean cartilage thickness (ThCtAB), area of denuded subchondral bone (dAB), and cartilage volume (VC). Cartilage data (VirtualScopics) for these analyses are from the OAI public use data sets. A 2 (group) x 2 (time) MANOVA with repeated measures on time assessed differences between groups (with and without SHFPE), time (baseline, 12-month [mo] follow-up), and the interaction of group and time. Pearson Correlations evaluated associations between group and cartilage measures. Statistical significance was defined by p ≤ .05.
The MANOVA revealed a significant effect for group (SHFPE or no SHFPE) and time. The group x time interaction was not significant (p=.180). Follow-up analyses demonstrated significant differences across time for patella ThCtAB, trochlea ThCtAB, patella VC, and trochlea VC (regardless of group). Significant differences were demonstrated between group (regardless of time) for patella ThCtAB (SHFPE no SHFPE), trochlea dAB(SHFPE > no SHFPE), and patella VC (SHFPE < no SHFPE). Pearson correlations among group (0=no SHFPE, 1=SHFPE) and cartilage measures revealed 8 significant small correlations: baseline trochlea VC (r=-.24), baseline patella VC (r=-.33), baseline trochlea dAB (r=.30), baseline patella dAB (r=.29), 12-mo patella ThCtAB (r=-.22),12-mo patella VC (r=-.33), 12-mo trochlea dAB(r=.29), and 12-mo patella dAB (r=.32).
SHFPE is associated with decreased patella and trochlea cartilage. No interaction between group and time suggests that cartilage measures changed similarly in both groups.
SHFPE, a sign of patellofemoral friction syndrome, is associated with degenerative cartilage changes. Future research should explore SHFPE's role in osteoarthritis progression.
Ward, R,
Thachet, S,
McAlindon, T,
Suffern, J,
Sophocles, A,
Driban, J,
Is Superolateral Hoffa Fat Pad Edema a Marker for Cartilage Loss? Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI). Radiological Society of North America 2010 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 28 - December 3, 2010 ,Chicago IL.