RSNA 2010 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2010


Preliminary Study of Whole Body Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging in Detecting Pediatric Primary Malignant Tumor and Metastasis

Scientific Formal (Paper) Presentations

Presented on November 30, 2010
Presented as part of VP31: Pediatric Radiology Series: Chest/Cardiovascular Imaging I


Xiaofan Zhang MD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose
Lin Ma MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Yang Qin MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Xinchun Liu MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose
Yi Zhang MD, Abstract Co-Author: Nothing to Disclose


To assess the efficacy of whole body diffusion weighted MR imaging (WB-DWI) in detecting pediatric primary malignant tumor and metastasis.


WB-DWI was performed in 40 pediatric patients with confirmed malignant tumors and 62 healthy pediatric volunteers. Comparative study was made by comparing conventional MR images with WB-DWI. The mean apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values of primary tumor and metastasis were measured and compared with those of corresponding body regions of control group.


On WB-DWI, the metaphysis of long bone showed increased signal intensity in 63.1% of normal children under the age of 24 months, slightly increased signal in 40.0% between the age of 25 and 48 months, and slightly increased signal in 8.7% after 49 months, respectively. 100% (40/40) of primary malignant tumors and 90.6% (58/64) of metastasis were detected on WB-DWI. The lesions showed high signal on WB-DWI, and the mean ADC values of primary tumor and metastasis were (0.94+0.11)×10-3 mm2/s and (0.89+0.18)×10-3 mm2/s, respectively, which were lower than those of control group, (1.18+0.24)×10-3 mm2/s (P<0.05) and (1.09±0.21)×10-3 mm2/s (P<0.05).


Increased signals are more frequently observed in metaphysis of long bone in mormal children under 24 months on WB-DWI. With a high detection rate for primary malignant tumors and metastasis, WB-DWI is a suitable method of choice in detecting malignancy in pediatric patients and is suggested as an useful tool for whole body screening in such patients.


WB-DWI is a promising method of choice in detecting malignant tumor and metastasis in children

Cite This Abstract

Zhang, X, Ma, L, Qin, Y, Liu, X, Zhang, Y, Preliminary Study of Whole Body Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging in Detecting Pediatric Primary Malignant Tumor and Metastasis.  Radiological Society of North America 2010 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 28 - December 3, 2010 ,Chicago IL.