RSNA 2009 

Abstract Archives of the RSNA, 2009


Breast Imaging (Digital Mammography)

Scientific Papers — Breast (Imaging and Interventional), Mammography,

Presented on December 2, 2009


Constance D. Lehman MD, PhD, Presenter: Instructor, General Electric Company
Nancy Elizabeth Gregory MD, Presenter: Nothing to Disclose


SSM01-01     Full Field Digital Mammographic Interpretation with Prior Analog versus Prior Digitized Analog Mammograms: Time for Interpretation
Rachel Brem MD | Jocelyn Rapelyea MD | Rebecca Bittner MD | Jessica Torrente MD | Akshay Garg BA | Craig Campbell | Colleen Donnelly BA | 00030490-DMT et al

SSM01-02     Impact of Magnification Views on the Characterization of Microcalcifications in Digital Mammography
Eva Fallenberg MD | Lisa Dimitrijevic | Felix Diekmann MD | Susanne Diekmann MD | Diane Renz MD | Ute Kettritz MD | Ulrich Bick MD | Alexander Poellinger MD

SSM01-03     A Fully Automatic Method for Estimating Breast Density in Digital Mammograms
Paula Gordon MD | Rasika Rajapakshe PhD | Bülent Uyaniker PhD | Stuart Silver MD

SSM01-04     Comparison of Three Methods of Estimating Breast Density: BI-RADS Density Scores Using Full Field Digital Mammography, BI-RADS Density Scores Using Breast Tomosynthesis, and Volumetric Breast Density
Andrew Smith PhD | Elizabeth Rafferty MD | Loren Niklason PhD

SSM01-05     Comparison of Image Acquisition and Radiologist Interpretation Times in a Diagnostic Mammography Center
Cherie Kuzmiak DO | Elodia Cole MS | Donglin Zeng PhD | Eunhee Kim | Marcia Koomen MD | Yeonhee Lee MD, PhD | Dag Pavic MD | Etta Pisano MD | 00030490-DMT et al

SSM01-06     Survey of Senior Radiology Residents: Breast Imaging Training and Attitudes—An 8-year Update
Lawrence Bassett MD | James Sayre PhD | Chris Bent BS | Roslynn Marzan | Anita Verma | Courtney Porter

Cite This Abstract

Lehman, C, Gregory, N, Breast Imaging (Digital Mammography).  Radiological Society of North America 2009 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 29 - December 4, 2009 ,Chicago IL.